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Everything posted by theviolence

  1. what if the site just used the title it was registered with? maybe it is something different, like how YAIL become Love, or BAR became Architecture
  2. I hope it is a two part song, like wiped out! by the NBHD (that song could be split into 3 and it is so fucking great)
  3. I feel like it was probably written around coachella 2016? she seemed on some creativity/artist wave back then, like that 'catch me if you can' insta video where she changed outfits like 3 times everything about the title screams spring/summer
  4. Maybe this will be the psychedelic song i was dreaming about
  5. I just want her to make a completely surf rock album, like a mixture of UV and AKA, no collabs, stunning visuals, with contrasting moody/lighter songs. I want lyrics like trash magic and cruel world combined, something messy and American and hot and quietly passionate. I know I will get nothing like this in LFL, and I'll probably love some songs on the album, but so far none of the new songs have blown me away (except for BAR, but it sounds unfinished). Honestly, might be because I'm always so sad but the music is so happy, its sickeningly sweet and annoying to listen to. And in my opinion, there's a striking lack of bold confidence in these few songs which makes things worse for me. Just the difference between "my boyfriends pretty cool, but he's not as cool as me" and "my boyfriends back and he's cooler than ever" it's cute and all but not what I listen for. This is why I like BAR so much, "you did it all for fame" is so accusatory and solid, idk I'm still excited for the album but it's going in the complete opposite direction to where I want it, and it doesn't help that Lana says absolutely nothing about it
  6. Cultural appropriation exists. And ignoring it means to erase actual problems faced by minorities in society, when white people make meaningful culture into coachella outfits and get praised for looking boho, without even trying to respect the significance behind it, whereas the actual communities that wear these things get looked down upon for not conforming to Western beauty standards/social norms But I guess white ppl are unable empathise with an issue until they actually find themselves victim to it, so
  7. Love has always been the lead single? Lana even said so. She never complicates an album rollout by releasing buzz singles.
  8. Where was anyone mean to you... How can anyone function with this level of sensitivity
  9. This is going to be one of those iconic selfies that describe an era (UV had plenty)
  10. So she's going to the MoMA event with Sean Lennon? Hopefully something interesting comes out of this On a separate note, me and Lana both about to serve looks in the next couple of hours
  11. Holy fuck can we just stop mentioning LIB every 2 posts? It will never make any album! Let it go
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