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Everything posted by theviolence

  1. But the debate was whether Love was the lead single. Which it remains to be, despite commercial performance.
  2. But the fact of the matter is that it was still intended as the lead, so it doesn't matter how much of a commercial impact it makes - this doesn't change. Even still, love is more successful and radio friendly than a lot of her other singles. It is still a major single.
  3. The pre release thread is meant for speculation Anyway, love is of course the lead single, Lana doesn't do buzz singles and wouldn't promote a song if it wasn't significant. It's like yall don't understand how Lana works. There are no random singles and surprises. I think these shoots will come out in the next issues of the magazines, so maybe some within the next week or two, and some coming later during the era. She's doing all the work now so she can rest easy post release I think we'll be getting more news on Monday. I have a feeling
  4. Thinking about it, a strawberry fields forever cover/duet with sean lennon would be so great i didn't know I needed this
  5. Do you do anything apart from promote your own tweets?
  6. Aren't you the one that pretends to be an insider? nlmg will not be on lfl
  7. She can keep it Anyway, I'm really sure we're getting a Sean lennon collab and an abel collab - flower child song/sexual r&b influenced song, how diverse will this album be
  8. Who is John and Tom? And didn't kieron do all the trap beats of HM or was that nowels as well
  9. Honeymoon is still ugly, but I'd prefer the HM font x1000 over this mess space font
  10. Where did yall get the idea that this is the real deal? It's fake This is far worse than Honeymoon, but it's not real so it doesn't matter
  11. I have a feeling this was just meant as an album announcement, and we might get the sampler featuring snippets of new songs later
  12. lorde, halsey and melanoma martinez have been found dead
  13. ALSO, Lust for Life is such a brilliant album title, i just hope she doesnt use that ugly space font for the album cover
  14. I was in the most boring economics/finance conference when i received the twitter notifs I AM SCALPED. VISUALS. THE OCCULT. A MONOLOGUE. THE FACT THAT THE INGREDIENTS WERE ACTUALLY ONLINE. FUCK ME UP
  15. He described it himself as "very 70s", I'm thrilled Hopefully we get an interview out of this as well Paris Match has weekly issues according to wiki, so I'd guess within the next two weeks we'll be seeing this
  16. This is going to be so vintage, 70s summer flowerchild
  17. The news is picking up at last! I guess the flower of this era is definitively the daisy
  18. I never would have expected to see a snapchat updates thread
  19. I can't believe this wow, the snapchat filter makes me look ugly but it's worth it
  20. It is always after the driest of droughts that we get a flood of information, so I'm sitting patient knowing that it won't be that much longer until we get to know more about, and listen to, this new summer album Lana is about to serve our ears
  21. Wait, I don't get this. Why is she being played in so many radio stations all of a sudden?
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