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Everything posted by theviolence

  1. Tbh I'm expecting a post in the next 30 mins seeing as it's around 9:15am in LA and she's probably only just waking up
  2. This is gonna be the Hollywood themed single guys
  3. Wtf I was a stan when mtwbt dropped and I didn't even know
  4. I missed the west coast BBC radio premier so I'm so glad I can re live it I CANT WAIT
  5. I wonder of abel sings every chorus, or just one, because if it is as good as it's being made out to be, I need to hear Lana sing it too
  6. I mean, that's such a reach. Anyway, if he is meant to be an insider working for Sony, wouldn't it make more sense for him to have known this anyway? Why quote another insider
  7. Everybody had love and the MV before it came out that moonxxshowers account is another fake insider. They predicted that the album title would be Eclipse, and that Love won't be on the album. Don't believe any bs they spew, I completely believe the SXSW performance they "predicted" was just a complete coincidence, and that if any other event had occurred, they would've found a way to spin their tweet into meaning that event instead.
  8. I was listening to a suspense thriller on bbc radio 4 xtra while trying to sleep and Lana decided to livestream again?? I missed it, I wasn't prepared
  9. I wonder whether she'll post another two or is she over that concept
  10. ew the subpar memes have made this thread so ugly what happened to the days of explicit images and schizophrenic member welcome posts
  11. I just realised it's been a year since that iconic video was posted i remember a lot of people thinking it was for a salvatore MV at first (???) time flies
  12. Just report a post before the LFL trailers and it disappears
  13. And now he's going to swear that everyone is coming for him again, and become the victim threatening to delete their account once more
  14. The Blackest Day is so boring and try hard
  15. I reported that ugly child's drawing of the LFL trailer on Lana's instagram so it could dissappear from her profile when I view it, and now her feed looks so much more neat and in line if she ain't tidying up her insta, I will
  16. There's literally no way you know anything about her release cycle unless you are part of her team or Interscope, which you are definitely not stop this nonsense it's embarrassing
  17. Are you saying she looks chubby in this photoshoot? how
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