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Everything posted by terusama

  1. I always wanted chuck to make a brief cameo on a song, maybe just as part of a harmony or background vocals, but I just think it would be really sweet... I always admired their relationship, it reminds me of the relationship I have with my best friend. It's really special!
  2. how can you tell? the screengrab doesn't show her top i don't think
  3. imagining this sweater with a white high waisted skirt
  4. i mean... i am...........
  5. also what is this obsession with painting eclipse as either a beast or a god? he's a young man with a particular set of skills (or s particular connection) that affords him a high degree of influence in a community. do i think he's horrible? no, i think he has poor judgment sometimes but who doesn't. is he infallible? of course not. he's young. he's acting like any young person in his position might, actually with a great deal more restraint than I would expect from someone his age (but maybe im pessimistic). i can see even in my short time here he has changed to become more responsible. but anyway the dichotomy isn't black and white, you can disagree with some of his choices without painting him as satan, and vice versa, he's not saintly just because he gives you what you want. he's just a person. hope y'all don't kill me for this lol
  6. the difference between leaking stuff from the past and leaking stuff that's about to be released is pretty obvious, especially if you look at it from a financial point of view. the stuff lana and her team has shelved has no potential to make money for them, unless they were thinking of releasing it later (the only example I can think of is old money where the melody was re-used) However stuff that is pending release can take a huge financial hit if it's leaked. there's a large share of ppl who would not view the video on official release, who would not stream and who would not buy the album if they had access to a free early release (a leak). This directly affects lanas career, as they use metrics like revenue generated, video views, billboard chartings etc to determine funds disbursed to the artist and their team for future projects. also the money that lana earns will be less as im sure her contract is a % of total revenue generated. anyway that's my two cents, leaking old stuff doesn't really damage her financial success while obviously intervening in an impeding release does.
  7. im very high and writing fake lana lyrics you took the scenic route your love is darker blue than mine I would always wait for you but you were never really far behind
  8. hangover, elle? :^) in seriousness I hope ur feeling okay
  9. she looks good did she say anything?
  10. YAS I've been waiting! I've seen a lot of people lately dissing Radio but it's actually probably my favorite track on BtD... I listened to it on repeat when I finally moved out from home and moved to Philadelphia. When the Philly skyline came into view I immediately put it on. I knew this was gonna be my own paradise... "Now I'm in LA and it's paradise" only philly haha. And so far I've been right. Moving away was the best thing I ever did, never been happier in my life.
  11. uh did y'all forget that elle said you can't leak it in DMs either?? we should try to reduce LBs liability. like if u wanna be leeches that's ur prerogative but take it to insta or something edit: she beat me to it
  12. i seriously thought BAR was just somebody making stuff up, where did this come from???
  13. they have their metrics... they are probably trying to "time" it for the most lucrative release based on whatever data-hocus-pocus they have to refer to.
  14. cruel world changed my life i s2g, hearing it as the album opener blew me away, pretty sure i cried
  15. Paradise yeah, but "ultraviolence" was not really a lana-ism, and even now it's not really, it's just that we associate it with her
  16. featuring one of my favorite lana lines, "let's take jesus off the dashboard- got enough on his mind..."
  17. ahem... http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/8216-album-color-association-survey/?p=379200
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