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Everything posted by terusama

  1. not y'all thinking lana should compromise on her morals and beliefs for a few more $$$... like what kinda fan
  2. I don't like Love, I listened to it when it came out and have it looping on my laptop with the headphone jack in so I don't have to hear it but she still gets those streams. It's boring, repetitive, safe, unimpressive vocally and uninspired production-wise. The best part is the bridge.
  3. theres a part of me that desperately wants lana to cover this song... a nonsense dance song from times past
  4. for ldr5 i hope she apparates through my screen and literally scalps me, fck a tv performance
  5. is it possible the stuff she posted on insta is old? another theory is her label wouldn't release funding for another MV unless Love performed at a certain amount
  6. if you're worried about lana and stigma then we are way past that...
  7. everyone took turns talking sht about you Lana tweeted some dates, dates are related to anti trump witchcraft, interscope confirmed the witchcraft connection. Also miles kane casual collab (not for the album)
  8. im baked af and i hope she releases something right this very second so i can feel the delight of the coincidence and have a religious experience
  9. why do people keep saying lana needs to "clear the air"? there is nothing to clear. nothing is happening...
  10. research pioneer of lanology
  11. if any of u bitches leak this shit i will dox you, find you, come to your freaking doorstep and leave a very strong worded letter on ur door cause im too much of a pussy to do anything real. but don't leak or you'll be lookin out
  12. That's how I feel, I think this album is gonna be a slow burn with popularity but it will definitely be one of her best sellers, and one of the best sellers of 2017, even if it doesn't start out that way
  13. overanalysis time: in the video around 1:04 the guy puts the key into the ignition of his pickup and then the camera switches to his exhaust where there's a bright flash... is this supposed to represent how rockets have fire shooting out from their exhaust????
  14. It looked like a scene from a movie (in a good way)
  15. I can't wait to see the view count on the MV when it unfreezes!!!!
  16. Look if you guys don't give a fuck about representation that's fine (and we can have discussions about ableism, fatphobia etc. as some of you are "humorously" alluding to) but you don't have to be jackasses about it.
  17. Some people can't take their fav being critiqued. The video is wonderful. I had one gripe. That is all.
  18. like god forbid you have a valid complaint about representation in a lana video, if you're not on your knees kissing her feet then you're a hater and should GTFO right?
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