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Everything posted by terusama

  1. don't reply to people who are just looking to get you got. if you never acknowledge them eventually the fuel for their histrionics will run out and they'll go away.
  2. space theme... eclipse... surely it can't be so
  3. it may not have been "detected" but actually one of her team specifically contacting instagram and telling them it was an infringement.
  4. i need her to say something. im stoned out of my mind rn and i need it
  5. bottom left... "the angel wings"??? i know im trying to decode a bunch of fuzz here but humor me
  6. I wonder if Lana is going to take a page from cat power and make this album vaguely influenced by the phases of the moon, like Moon Pix was.
  7. buying her shit doesn't mean she suddenly owes you more shit... you buy a sandwich at the deli and expect them to start bringing in ur fav sandwich recipes or something? to start advertisiting more around town cause you want everyone to know how good their sandwiches are? wyd... edited for unnecessary cattiness
  8. Did anything happen? Normally I read everything but I've been super busy lately
  9. im not a big fan of lorde but let's not pretend she's some bland-ass hitmaker. pure heroine was a good, inspired album, despite whatever misgivings you have about her personality. green light is going to be extremely successful, definitely more so than love.
  10. thanks for always being there for me, though you'd never know it.
  11. stop coming for me pls thx
  12. there's this girl in my lecture who says "mm" and "mhm" after everything the professor says. drives me nuts, like wyd he's not talking to you, this is a lecture... so anyway, her
  13. why are our only options in this thread either strangling each other or speaking a foreign language
  14. We all know the good sis is flaky, cancelling shows, promo etc. she's probably just really flaky with people in her life too.
  15. We get it. Your fav has more sales. Obviously sales are the best metric for success in artistic expression. Everyone knows that.
  16. Thought this said "Lana's probably so f'ed up" and I was like wow seeing a lot in this song huh
  17. is this shit leaking as bad as love or is it leaking more low key? like there aren't any articles about about it or anything is there
  18. I'm just telling you what the forum rules are.
  19. posting leaks on this forum is strictly prohibited, so you should delete it or enjoy your IP ban
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