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Everything posted by terusama

  1. do you think there will be a dance/club remix as part of the era?
  2. Finally got to listen to it, it's available on US Apple Music. It's definitely a pop take, true to form. Im not particularly impressed or unimpressed; the production is very good and the message is nice (although perhaps a bit flippant). It's not the kind of music I usually find myself listening to, but I think it will make a good showing on the charts and im hopeful for the rest of the album since the production is so nice. Edit: here's the link I pulled from Apple Music https://itun.es/us/vTJ-hb
  3. it should've been "in love" instead of just love
  4. i can't find it on Apple Music in the US? Am I just dumb
  5. oh stop coming for elle you pitiful fucks, she deals with our sloppy asses for free
  6. honestly, its too little too late, and theyre not even going through the right channels. i have no pity for her team. they fucked it up. from letting the song in an unsecure location where apparently multiple sources nabbed it, to dragging their feet on actually taking punitive action... yeah. this is all over their hands. i feel bad for lana and her alone, for her tarnished artistic vision at the hands of her team and fans alike.
  7. i'm actually like physically upset, i know lana's a stranger to me but i just feel so bad about what's happening
  8. what if the cars aren't flying, but coming in for a landing- theyre like rocket ships in space and theyre coming to the HoneyMoon to watch ms del rey perform (im rly high right now)
  9. I think the "statue thing" is lana and perhaps they're Mary janes
  10. I can't wait for the queen herself to descend from heaven and put us out of our purgatorial misery and allow us to ascend with her
  11. my longing for this release has become so out of control that there's a part of me that believes if i yearn hard enough that i can will the album into existence
  12. i thought we weren't supposed to discuss yet to be released material
  13. i dont even know what im saying, but im praying for yooooouuuu
  14. i hope that lana does more of her talk-rapping, i just realized today that i miss it- has she done much of it since BtD?
  15. ...you know cooking with alcohol is not the same as drinking it, right?
  16. Lana Del Rey tells The Sun about her latest album, LDR5; LDR5 was recorded in Nashville with The Arctic Monkeys’ Alex Turner. “Alex and I weren’t friends before this,” she explains of their surprise collaboration. “We both knew each other’s music, but it’s not that we listened to it a lot of the time. The thing that was fun about Alex was we went out one night for a meal and ended up in a karaoke bar in LA. “We were having a good time and then we just looked at each other and said, ‘Why don’t we just do the record together?’ :^) (this is a joke btw i just rewrote what she said about working w Dan)
  17. do you guys really think we'll have to wait until the summer months? i was hoping to start bopping by March
  18. Usually when a label goes on a case it doesn't come off.
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