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Everything posted by terusama

  1. someone commenting "down in texas we got a sayin, if youre not drinkin, wot in tarnation" im kms
  2. Probably. In theatre the company always picks the preshow music for the show, not the venue.
  3. what if she streams it herself on instagram live... sobbing i know i know a Reach
  4. graham, i always think you have a nice point in there smewhere, i would love it if you would be more explicit and less impressionistic with your argumentation. that way maybe i could get what you mean.
  5. "concerned for their safety"? cackling. what are the young adult gays gonna do to them
  6. Honestly I'm so overhyped, if this is another corona capital situation I'm gonna cry
  7. This show isn't on their Facebook live line up.
  8. The Facebook live line up on sxsw's website makes no mention of lana, so unless it's a surprise...
  9. i just got home from work a bit ago, i was thinking about this shit all day, thinking about how lucky i would be if i got to see her streamed tonight, how gorg she is gonna look, all the tea shes gonna spill
  10. I just saw this ad on twitter for the first time, has it been around?
  11. If it's a show that no one can conceivably get a last minute ticket to, why did she push it all over social media? I feel like there has to be a stream we could watch or why else...? So we'd be looking out for the tea?
  12. will there be a livestream? and if so where? on apple music?
  13. On the SXSW page it says she'll be on from 9:00 - 10:00 pm... an hour of performance
  14. "During the live premiere in Austin of her short new single Love on March 17, 2017, Del Rey explained to the audience that "I really just wanted us all to be together so I could try and visually close out my chapter before I release the new record, BAR."" - all the news stories tomorrow
  15. i want so bad to be scalped. please come for me girl i had hype for days
  16. Guys I just found some incredible insider info
  17. i swear i thought she said "couple weeks" instead of "few weeks" but i was also really intoxicated when it started
  18. "I promise I have lots of news coming up for you in the next couple weeks" oh my god im so drunk holy fuck i cant believe i caught that im gonna lose my mind Edit: my screengraps Edit edit: she said she loves daylight savings queen of daytime hours
  19. don't reply to people who are just looking to get you got. if you never acknowledge them eventually the fuel for their histrionics will run out and they'll go away.
  20. space theme... eclipse... surely it can't be so
  21. it may not have been "detected" but actually one of her team specifically contacting instagram and telling them it was an infringement.
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