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Everything posted by terusama

  1. eliminate: yayo, without you immunity: DLMBM (taking this one to the end guys lol)
  2. her skin looks nice her expression is kind of like "can't wait for these stupid candids to end up on lanaboards dot com smfh" edit: i don't think the candids are stupid, i think lana would think they are though lol
  3. I like this thread. It's about how you changed your mind rather than your current thinking. When I was first introduced to her music I didn't like it at all, I was bitter that she had won the BRIT awards over cat power (lol). Obvs now I love her
  4. monotonous or not, bops or not, im hoping in this upcoming era that she serves us a *look*
  5. not to insult anyone but some of you are voting for dates in the past :,^)
  6. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdU7z_hvb-EUs9rWoKjke3j3bokEMttAFsIjMwsEb4dV4EdAg/viewform survey time
  7. we should set a betting pool on the exact date we'll get new album news officially edit: or when we think the first single will drop
  8. no, you were not the only one who suggested that the album was more important than the news, i didn't mean for you to take this directly. i am sorry if i attacked you directly. she made the video/post earlier this year about how important it is to watch the debates, which i also thought, nice, she is showing us what she really thinks... honestly i'm quite sensitive about it since so much of the media from the beginning has painted her as brainless, out of touch, spoiled, etc. and i feel a lot of that is steeped in misogyny (speculation, but that's how i feel about it anyway). so when she posts something like this, i just really "appreciate" it i guess lol? i'm glad she still shows us her mind despite being lambasted for her views in the past.
  9. i'm glad she is showing the world she has a mind. if you seriously think her album is more important than the lives of those who were seriously affected by this undertaking, by the injustices that were being committed, and the decision of the administration to STAND BEHIND native people, seriously, rethink yourself...
  10. Some facts: edit: Color reminder Total responses: 80 Most common sequence: Yellow Blue Olive Black Red with 3 responses Never selected color: Silver Colors selected for all albums: Aqua, Navy, Purple, White Responses where one color was used more than once: 5 Greatest diversity of responses: Paradise, with 13 different colors chosen Black was only chosen in regards to UV. For the charts, I did the top three responses + "other", except for honeymoon, where the 2-5 most responded colors had nearly identical amounts. I used "silver" to color the "other" slice, since it was not once selected in the survey. Some numbers in the chart got rounded (from say 28.75% to 29%) because excel hates me, but the shape of the graphs should still be correct. Charts My responses AKA: Teal BtD: Purple Paradise: Maroon UV: Black HM: Yellow Raw Data
  11. BBC 1's Hackney Weekend edit: mixed up links Semaine Mulberry event
  12. Omg @elle your top five is my top five too!
  13. I had a dream that she teased something and y'all were sooo salty about it lol. I've been having a lot of lana dreams lately
  14. ive seen people bring this up before so I'm only posting this because I suspect more people think this than who post about it, and I just wanna add my two cents I don't think she has had any work done beyond what we already accept (nose and lips). I think her (very, very slight) change in appearance can be attributed to changing weight, changing makeup, and aging. Why do i say slight? Well, here's an image of her from 2011 and one from 2015, I tried to pick two images where the lighting and pose was quite similar http://m.imgur.com/3G6a13g,558AldL I think the differences in her appearance are really negligible. She uses lip liner more often now, I think to actually combat people who were making fun of her for her lips (using makeup to make them appear bigger rather than filling them to the extent that she did). She also does her eye makeup differently. She's more prone to use a color on her lips which can give a more mature effect. I think people also underestimate how much changing weight can affect the appearance. Her cheeks and chin appear fuller because they are fuller. I would know, ive lost 20 lbs and I look drastically different. So do many people who change their weight. Anyway that's my two cents. If she had more work done then whatever, but I really think people saying "omg she looks SOOOO different" are focusing too much on negligible differences...
  15. they are lana snippets, but most likely they're stems from songs we already have. vxfx is a ycbtb stem.
  16. isnt vxfx bass from "you can be the boss"? you can hear the "oooo-wah" in the background at 1:32 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IE3qtEZdUNU
  17. yes! i figured i would wait a week and then i would end the survey and make some graphs from the data
  18. I think this topic crops up sporadically, what colors we associate with the albums. due to my love of data I decided to make a google form to record responses and produce cool graphs from. Here is a link to the survey. I think the topic itself is fun in a horoscope-y kind of way. since the survey's color categories are really broad, i think it would be fun for people to post examples of the colors they think of (like really close matches from google images or somewhere).
  19. terusama


    met my local rockstar, now im having visions... a vision of my nails in the kitchen scratching counter tops, i was screaming my back arched like a cat, my position couldnt stop you were hitting
  20. LOL if u got a problem with strippers or other sex work related content then you are in the wroooongest community
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