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Everything posted by Matt

  1. National Anthem 0 Carmen 140 Million Dollar Man 95
  2. National Anthem 15 Carmen 135 Million Dollar Man 85 lol how you guys can take points from carmen and add them to million dollar man and national anthem.
  3. shameful, all of you National Anthem 15 Carmen 135 Million Dollar Man 85
  4. National Anthem 15 Carmen 140 Million Dollar Man 80
  5. National Anthem 25 Carmen 135 Million Dollar Man 75
  6. National Anthem 35 Carmen 130 Million Dollar Man 70
  7. National Anthem 40 Carmen 130 Million Dollar Man 65
  8. National Anthem 40 Carmen 130 Million Dollar Man 65
  9. National Anthem 50 Carmen 120 Million Dollar Man 65 back off.
  10. National Anthem 50 carmen 115 million dollar man 70
  11. National Anthem 60 carmen 110 million dollar man 65
  12. National Anthem 70 carmen 105 million dollar man 60
  13. National Anthem 65 Carmen 105 Million Dollar Man 60 Without You 0 AND I BID YOU FAREWELL.
  14. National Anthem 60 Carmen 100 Million Dollar Man 55 Without You 15
  15. National Anthem 60 Carmen 90 Million Dollar Man 55 Without You 25
  16. National Anthem 60 Carmen 85 Million Dollar Man 50 Without You 35
  17. I don't have much to say really. Ride - 3.5/4 - Gets messy towards the end, it's catchy - but I'm just not a huge fan of it. American 3/5 - The instrumental is lovely, but I'm not a fan of it lyrically. Cola - 4.5/5 - I really like it, great song. Not perfect, but a great song. My favorite song off the album. Body Electric (no rating) - I have conflicting opinions since I have no clue what direction she had in mind with this song. The live performances make me think of classic horror, give me memories of films like Carnival of Souls, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, not sure why - those films always pop into mind. But the studio version, and this applies to Gods & Monsters also, make me think of Grimm's Fairy Tales and Goblin's scores for Dario Argento's work - more specifically Suspiria and some of the score for Profondo Rosso. I'm unsure what I think about this song. Blue Velvet - 4.5/5 - Great cover. I love it. The moans at the beginning I could certainly do without, they feel so forced. Gods & Monsters - 2.5/5 - I love the opening, but not the rest of the song. It feels really melodramatic. Yayo - 3/5 - It's not the AKA version, but it's still good. Bel Air - 3.5/5 - Not a huge fan of it, it'll probably be a grower. Burning Desire - 4/5 - I really enjoy this song. It's great for car rides for sure. I always feel like I'm speeding through LA when I listen to it. Overall rating: 3.9/5
  18. National Anthem 60 Carmen 80 Million Dollar Man 45 Without You 45
  19. Nice catch Sitar! I always think about how she said Cannes but never put the two together. It'd be cool if it does premiere at Cannes.
  20. Born to Die: "Afterlife" edition Born to Die: "Reincarnation" edition Born to Die: Alabama Pepsi cola trailer park fireworks on the Fourth of July in 90 degree weather edition Etc. But I'm really curious what she means by "Tropico" - I love the mystery of it. I agree also that she should've posed with the smoke for the album cover. It'd fit the sound of the album.
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