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  1. !!! American Whore is the superior title but A&W kind of feels like part of a Diet Mountain Dew-Cola-A&W trilogy
  2. depends on the retailer. Target and Urban Outfitters charge for preorders immediately, Rough Trade and I believe Amazon as well don’t charge until it ships, etc
  3. the thing about lana is that miss girl doesn’t announce shit, the next single could literally randomly drop any day and it’s terrifying… although didn’t BOZ say that he came on lanaboards and talked to us partially because lana isn’t going to do anything for a while
  4. i loved halsey in 2015 and then i matured out of my tumblr phase and couldn’t really find myself to care for her after that, but IICHLIWP was amazing, i hope her next music is in that direction again instead of So Good
  5. one of my favorite lana fun facts is that the Beautiful strings mix isn’t even really a demo, it was actually supposed to be the final version, but it wasn’t finished in time by the deadline lana had to have the album in to the label. the released version is more of a demo than the strings mix haha
  6. just because Kintsugi came out of nowhere and types like someone who knows lanaboards in and out/has been here before lmao but i’m not sold I don’t think he is… although it would be a very good way to spill despite the cease and desist
  7. i reallyyyyy hope it’s Venice Bitch, specifically the outro; “If you weren’t mine I’d be jealous of your love”. I can see her working that into another song flawlessly okay i didn’t know it was track 16 and i forgot they said it was a fan favorite, i was just listing every single possibility there was before i knew it was #16
  8. yeah that’s incorrect unfortunately edit i just looked at his AllMusic page, looks like he is credited on Summertime The Gershwin Version as well, i wonder if whoever was adding his credits accidentally clicked on Summertime Sadness too lol also the only people that need to be credited for an interpolation are the writers of the song that’s being sampled, so far Benji has only played guitar for her (and did “sound effects” on Ocean Blvd title track). so the sampled track could be any Lana/Jack original song with the exception of Happiness is a Butterfly, FIILY, and Breaking Up Slowly. or if the sample is in Fingertips or Sweet, it could also be from Arcadia, Beautiful, or Violets for Roses
  9. where did you see that Benji did work on Summertime Sadness? he’s one of Zach Dawes’ collaborators, the only Lana songs he’s credited on that I am seeing are songs that Zach has also worked on; California, Black Bathing Suit, Thunder, and the Ocean Blvd title track
  10. speaking of that i still think lana’s reaction to LFL leak was even funnier because it only leaked like, 24 hours before it started being released worldwide by timezone. it was barely even a leak at that point lmao it was Wednesday morning 😭😭
  11. i’m pretty sure it was NFR, at 2 weeks before release but it was a shitty quality cassette rip
  12. okay, actually, upon further lyrical examination, it actually seems like the Nicole’s original tracklist does tell a chronological story as well about this housewife-archetype’s husband overdosing on something, her using that opportunity to escape and get out of the situation, only to end up with another bad man that she eventually murders herself… maybe i’ve been listening to too much Ethel Cain but this really does seem uncannily like a concept album, i wonder why she hasn’t addressed it if is Married in Mount Airy — the expedition and setting of the story Gold Satin Dreamer — a closer insight on this character’s relationship and distance with her husband. kind of described in a way like she knows she’s already losing him to whatever he’s taking “Sleep on the couch, where the flowers stay / And never bloom but only fade in the sun” “But I find you here in the blue light of the TV / And I feel you in the wind through the back screen at night / With the kitchen tile cold on my cheek” Dogwood — this character’s husband passing away, all lyrics are pretty self explanatory Runnin’ Free — this is where it starts to get interesting; Gold Satin Dreamer made her seem like this housewife stuck at home, presumably for around 10-15 years (“I was married in Mount Airy in it’s prime sometime in the late 60s” from the title track, “In this lonely ‘78 motorhome” from this song). she’s packing up and finally leaving, she has no reason to stay anymore, hence “Runnin’ Free” “If I told him I'll die out here if I stay / He would hold me in his arms and he’d love it that way” Bad Man — again, all lyrics are pretty self explanatory. this character is reflecting on the loss of her husband, but from this perspective her rose colored glasses start to come off, in turn opening her up to more experiences like in… …My Darling True — all lyrics are pretty self explanatory. seems like at this part of the story, this character meets somebody new, someone she shouldn’t be around. this song however is the only one that sorta makes me question if this was an intentional concept album or just songs that coincidentally tell a chronological story, mostly just because of the lyric, “And they say it's time for me to let you go,” which makes it seem like they’ve known each other for a while. it’s like we missed a few chapters lol, although if Sometime After Midnight was between Bad Man and this track, it would make a lot more sense Moonlite — more insight on the destructive behavior patterns between these two. this main character is building some resentment Sometime After Midnight — again, this song works with the story a lot better between Bad Man and My Darling true lol. but the lyric, “But there's this feeling in my stomach / Wondering if I should just ignore it, but / I was told when something bad happens it’s usually at night” foreshadows… …Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus — where everything happens. all of the rage that she has built up is unleashed on this man and.. well.. that bitch is dead “Knowing that I'll make myself sick from the water / Knowing all my tears and rage could load a revolver” “I used to think you must be the water I drink / Holding me down in these waters down beneath / Singing to the sound of my screaming / But now I see” “I used to dream of the day it'd be just you and me like the Wild West / Both of us shooting till one of us was dead / You cruel, cruel man” Summit Song — for some reason, the title of this song is another thing that really sells it to me that this album was meant to tell an intentional story; a summit is a peak, the climax. NFTHOO was definitely the climax of this tale Whispering Glades — those two bitches are dead!! I’ll Wait for You to Call — roll credits like i said maybe i’m just listening to too much Ethel Cain, idk if Nicole intended to do this or if it just happened subconsciously, but regardless it’s really interesting. reallyyyy hoping the music video(s) touch on it
  13. i really wish artists released their scrapped/old material themselves on like SoundCloud or something instead of it needing to leak from an outside source
  14. exactly and like, even if Interscope does want to wait to release until physicals are ready, I would’ve rather waited until February for the announcement 💀 Lana isn’t doing any crazy promo, everyone knows who she is, most of the fans who are going to buy the album already have at this point or are planning to buy in person on release day. even though 3 months from announcement to album is sooo standard it just feels unnecessary for lana at this point in her career. if not a digital drop, it would’ve been great for her to announce like album just 4 weeks before its release date like she did with NFR
  15. i’m still expecting BB like… 1.5. lana definitely seems to have found her comfort zone, found collaborators she works well with, etc. after LFL, i stopped anticipating drastic changes between album cycles like BTD-UV-HM, and the Tunnel title track proves that the sound isn’t doing a full 180 from BB at all. I don’t have a problem with a similar album to BB though, Ocean Blvd is already basically guaranteed to be better anyway so it can patch up all of the holes that BB lowkey left on this era of her career, saying that as nicely as possible.
  16. interscope needs to let this woman do a surprise digital drop like she wants to is2g… idk why but for some reason i feel like with how often lana releases music it actually makes 3 month long wait times harder, like i can wait double that if an artist hasn’t released in 3 or 4 years. but because lana takes such short amount of time between album cycles, at least for me, i always feel fed so the hype doesn’t really set in until new work is officially announced. and then it hits all at once 😭
  17. idk i don’t think this is the culprit for my experience because my car speakers suuuuck and i use studio headphones at home 😭 but yeah jack is obviously just very subjective. his production and mixing choices with lana are pretty unconventional by the standards of the 2010s and 2020s, and his own music is all of those unconventional techniques cranked up to 10. iirc most of his stuff is all analog, maybe that’s why it sounds kind of flat to people
  18. on the topic of California, i really didn’t appreciate that song until it came on when i was driving on an empty freeway… that’s the only way it really hits for me, i can’t listen to it just like sitting in my room, i have to be driving fast and for some reason it’s a completely different experience that i can’t replicate. only correct way to listen to it
  19. perhaps too much compression is what’s bothering you? depending on how jack and laura work, this actually might be a mastering problem; iirc Chris Gehringer has mastered every Jack song besides California (which was mastered by Adam Ayan who did LFL and BB), and he hasn’t mastered anything Jack hasn’t touched except Yosemite. maybe we should blame him
  20. i’m just curious, for the people who hate on jack’s mixing (as he does co-mix almost all of the songs he’s worked on)—what are your specific problems with it? because it sounds great to me
  21. i just can’t harbor hate in my heart for a man who made these
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