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Everything posted by Deleted Member

  1. ATRL is already talking about miss Cuntsugi, waiting for him to log in and confirm 😭
  2. iirc BOZ said only the Candy Necklace title was online and accessible, and the hint he gave about how to find it (a random website that uses information from acr) is exactly how we did
  3. her and dua used to share the same managers, idk maybe there’s something surrounding that we don’t know about
  4. idc about the scat if Cuntsugi is @Acid i love them even more, Acid you’ll always be famous to me
  5. yeah idc i’m choosing to believe them they haven’t done anything sus and have given me no reason not to besides their account being oddly new. if it’s all fake i will take the L again the immediate and correct use of emotes means they have to have been active in a forum before, i wonder if it’s one of the atrl insides in disguise… there are like 3 of them besides boz
  6. @Kintsugi even if you are fake, i have to give you props you are doing it very well… round of applause see THIS is the quality of fake insiders we need, DollClub and DragonWhore take notes!
  7. need my atrl account to be approved so I can ask BOZ to confirm if the Tommy feature is a sample
  8. okay bye so the Tommy feature is a sample… this is a really random fake thing to say yall i kind of believe them
  9. the only thing that’s making me question it is that DragonWhore doesn’t use emotes like that and i feel like they wouldn’t go to the lengths of trying to type differently. although the immediate use of emotes makes me think they’ve already been on LB before or on another forum like ATRL or something
  10. also new insider account was made a day before DW’s last post HMMMM… we will see we will see
  11. no because i’m not gonna be delusional but why is my gut telling me they’re legit… we will see when the track lengths update on iTunes which should be within the next couple weeks hopefully, even if the track listing isn’t announced then. you’re still not on my good side Kintsugi
  12. not this again asking you the same question i ask every apparent insider whose had a random account show up less than a month before spilling… what is the exact duration of track 16, minutes and seconds. such minuscule information that won’t get you in trouble but specific enough for you to have proved yourself in time
  13. it’s a good song but yeah the leaked file is messy as it’s not mixed, ideally we would’ve heard it properly mixed and mastered with an official release but that’s not gonna happen so i will take it!
  14. what are everyone’s favorite songs so far? i think mine are • Runnin’ Free • Bad Man • My Darling True • Summit Song Whispering Glades was a weird choice for a single, especially 2 years before the album… i feel like i would’ve enjoyed its context in the album a lot more if i heard it for the first time with everything else
  15. on first listen i was wondering why the last track sounded so familiar, then i listened again with the album on repeat and after the transition from IWFYTC to MIMA i realized
  16. i don’t think that’s her twitter acc, it is someone holding the username for her until she comes back. or at least that’s what the bio used to say
  17. it just sounds off because it’s not mixed, although it probably never even was
  18. Descending leaking as I was typing this really just gave me the closure I needed LMFAOOO
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