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Deleted Member

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Everything posted by Deleted Member

  1. Ocean Blvd release day livestream: “I love the song I’m Comin for Ya… why did you leak that”
  2. Yeah i’m really surprised California is one that she’s tried to make work for a long time
  3. okay no but the fact that that’s actually very likely to happen for real within the next few weeks though… Jack’s favorite songs he’s done with Lana in the past (The Greatest & COTCC title track) were singles so I kinda have a feeling A&W might be the next one
  4. sorry i’m bored she’s coming though!
  5. I just really don’t understand why people care about Lana’s charts at this point in her career. She has her money, she has her legacy, and charting isn’t and never has been a goal or priority of hers. Why are you looking to Lana for those things lol, go listen to like Ariana or something if the commercial performance of your favorite artists is that important to you
  6. Can I just ask, why are you actively logging onto this website to come in this thread just to be weird and gross? I haven’t seen you say a single positive thing about Lana, on her own fansite. There has to be more interesting things you can be doing with your time
  7. He doesn’t have it 😭 the only way we know it’s similar to the OG is because BOZ mentioned it is
  8. ooo this is unfortunate, those… weren’t supposed to leak. the Inbred instrumentals aren’t out there
  9. the only thing that makes me feel better about it is that how music becomes popular always goes through phases (MTV, radio, youtube, etc), and within the upcoming years TikTok’s power over the music industry is going to die and die HARD. but i’m nervous for what the next thing will be lol
  10. it’s just like, streaming already made much of the GP stop listening to full albums. now they’re not even listening to full songs. i can’t imagine how it gets much worse than this lol
  11. I hate TikTok, the damage it’s done to the music industry the last couple years is worse than streaming. It makes the general public look at and experience art differently. Songs are more than 10 second snippets, they’re supposed to be a journey. I think when it starts to become harmful to artists is when that’s all the time people give you, that’s all of you that they consume. Obviously once you release art to the public, belongs to the public now. But you’re still protective over it, and there’s still intent in the way it’s meant to be experienced. Don’t even get me started on the commercialized musicians who manufacture songs for virality. It’s soul sucking. TikTok can leave Lana alone but I know they won’t lol
  12. I hope Miley gets the #1, her and her fans care a lot more about that side of things than Lana does and than we should lol
  13. i completely missed all of the drama that happened with her a couple years ago but i’ve been reading as many old posts about it as i can find, and it really rubs me the wrong way when people say that she fetishized EDs, want to cancel her for reblogging th*nspo, etc… it’s very tasteless and ignorant. anyone who has struggled with stuff like that, or knows anyone who has, knows it’s a mental illness; a lot of people who have EDs do “romanticize” it because it is a mental illness. it’s very complex, it’s hard to explain unless you have been in that mindset yourself before. and unless you do get proper treatment, it also rubs me the wrong way how i saw people saying that she “only had an ED for a year” and then went on to keep talking about it—that’s not how it works for most people. it doesn’t just go away. i think people need to leave her alone lol. a lot of the criticism about her from that angle seemed to be coming from people who want to bring attention to mental health, but who have no idea what the mind of someone with an eating disorder is like and how mental health plays the biggest role on that side of things. i’m very defensive about that stuff, it’s actually probably for the better i didn’t know that was happening when it was lol i would’ve put some people in their place
  14. i know lol, there’s a lightheartedness to this thread that i was joking about, a lot of the lyrics people have said here aren’t lying they’re just taking things at face value that aren’t meant to be as a joke
  15. that was my thought too but he’s credited on the front cover under “Songs featuring” so idk
  16. one thing to note about trying to match things with the blurry TL is that based on Candy Necklace’s length (track 6) on the TL, it seems like features are listed with the song titles as well. so at least tracks 5, 6, 10, and 15 for sure I thought That Was Before They Knew Your Name fit perfectly in track 10 and then i remembered SYML’s name has to be there too
  17. TKYN isn’t confirmed it just made the most sense to me (sorry posting this again because my replies were merged lol)
  18. okay i can’t really fit That Was Before They Knew Your Name anywhere over the blurry track list but i am kind of convinced with that one
  19. wait @the ocean what font did u use for the fake track list let me see something i’m going full clown and seeing if i can fit T___ W___ B___ They Know Your Name somewhere on that blurry picture 😭😭
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