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Deleted Member

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Everything posted by Deleted Member

  1. the fact that this person is either being vague or repeating things that BOZ has already said (Tommy barely being a feature) or relaying information that’s common sense or information that can’t be proven wrong. we need a smiley of Viola Davis standing up and walking away
  2. i really don’t think the title is “Late Nights” idk that just doesn’t sound like a lana song title to me, but another user mentioned that it might be “Waist Deep in Icy Waves” yesterday, and I kinda think that’s it. That can’t mean nothing, it’s too poetic and too Lana to mean nothing. especially when she captioned the pictures from the photoshoot/interview about the new album with that back in May. it very well could be Late Nights though
  3. actually i just remembered that DW claimed to know neil krug personally and i’m not annoyed anymore, if you guys want to clown that much and believe that then that is on you guys, i rest my case. So what vinyl colors do you all think we’re getting?
  4. guys 80 minutes is not a hard conclusion to come to we know the album has really long songs, 80 minutes is the maximum amount of time that can fit on 1 CD and about the maximum amount of time that can fit on 2LPs and still sound good. it literally can’t possibly be longer than that but we already know it’s a long album. until we have exact track durations from this user’s mouth i will be a hater! i’m glad BOZ confirmed though
  5. every time y’all eat up anything from that person i feel an unreasonable about of annoyance in my chest DragonWhore, i am once again asking, what is the exact duration of track 6. WITHOUT TEARS.
  6. okay nowww we’re getting specific but i can’t even help but be sus about this because the maximum amount of time that can fit on 1 CD is 74-80 minutes, and BOZ said the album has really long songs, so this is a reasonable and obvious guess and conclusion one can come to 😐
  7. i actually am so bummed about Josh being snowonthebeach’d, i’ve been trying to properly get into him for yearssss and wasn’t able to until this year. I was really looking forward to hearing them together, like actually together
  8. okay no she’s wrong for this because he gave lana Buddy’s Rendezvous all to herself, he could’ve just featured her on a remix but he gave her the whole song LMAOOO 😭😭
  9. i think January actually would’ve been/is a really great month to release music, so long as it’s after the first week. nobody else is really putting albums out, she probably would’ve secured another #1 album (not that she or i care but she wouldn’t have any competition lol)
  10. Blue Banisters would’ve been a really cute EP and seemingly a bridge to this new era because just based on Ocean Blvd, it’s taking everything that was wrong with Blue Banisters and refining it. i would’ve loved something like 1. Text Book 2. Blue Banisters 3. Arcadia 4. Black Bathing Suit 5. If You Lie Down with Me 6. Sweet Carolina or something
  11. i really adore text book but agree about the other three, i actually think Violets for Roses might possibly be Lana’s worst released song and i feel really seen with the Wildflower Wildfire dragging… the production on that song is not good, it’s cute how excited Mike Dean was to work with her but he did not do a good job. i see what he was going for with the 8bit distorted drums but it did not work for the song at all
  12. i cannot imagine blue banisters and chemtrails combined as one album, they’re polar opposites for me in my opinion where chemtrails is light and airy and sunny and pastel, BB is dark and heavy and humid and stormy. i feel like what makes these albums work on their own is their cohesion—if you take that away, they don’t have much else going for them. even if you took the best songs from both and put them together, i think the messiness of it would actually result in a worse album than either of them are right now
  13. tbh i do not see her actually touring for another 5-10 years; if she does tour soon, it’s going to be a lot harder than it was to get tickets in the past because of all of the tiktok stans now, and i don’t think she’s ever going to play arenas again for the rest of her career like she did LFL. so it’s gonna be smaller venues like the NFR tour, tighter ticket availability. it’s definitely not going to be easy, but i don’t think it’s warranted to even stress about it now because it’s probably not going to be happening for a very long time, if ever again also yeah, people are going to sing along at concerts lol
  14. almost all of the good lana youtube reactors have left, but i love Sher The Truth, she actually listens instead of pausing every five seconds and has some really interesting lyric interpretations that have even changed how i look at a few songs
  15. my guess for rarest to least rare is the pink amazon exclusive (rarest) -> the white webstore exclusive -> the green indie exclusive -> the hot pink retail exclusive (least rare). if you’re fortunate enough to live near an indie record store and a target, i would say it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll be able to pick up the green and hot pink variants in store on release day, even if they sold out online. iirc the amazon exclusive is already sold out and the webstore variant is selling out country by country i only put hot pink above green because there are more Targets in the US than indie record stores lol, but i think stock for green and hot pink will be pretty similar. target will have fewer copies available per store but there are more stores you can go to, vs there are less record shops but they will probably have more stock per store
  16. i’m so torn on this because both of the Targets that I go to had the Blue Banisters and Chemtrails exclusives available in store for at least like 3 months before I stopped seeing them. given the fact that they don’t put all of their stock online, and that lana is popular enough for her vinyl to be sold in the vast majority of their retail stores, they have to be pressing a lotttttt
  17. also, the green variant will not be limited to the point that it’s very difficult to get one. there isn’t going to be a restock, but every indie record store in country that participates in Record Store Day (the partnership of ~1,000 record stores in the US, not just the day specifically) will have a few hundred copies. they look really limited because they just aren’t online for many outlets yet, but if you walk into a record store on the day of release you will very likely walk out with a green vinyl too. hell, my local record store still has the Chemtrails indie exclusive Blue RSD vinyl in stock from Black Friday 2021 (the one with the cover of her and the wolf)
  18. technically each of the variants are already all currently being manufactured because vinyl production takes about 5-6 months these days. so preorder is limited to as much stock as they are pressing now. otherwise, if they weren’t made yet, they wouldn’t be ready by release date
  19. the way i literally didn’t even know this website had ads until i read this thread because i have an adblocker on all the time
  20. petition for insiders to start feeding us irrelevant information like exact recording dates for specific songs, etc… i love knowing fun facts like that
  21. oh damn really? that’s… such minuscule and irrelevant information to make an April Fools prank about 😭 thanks for letting me know i’ve been under that impression for so long
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