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Deleted Member

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  1. i said this like yesterday too but i hate the narrative being pushed on here that lana isn’t over sean, both because i think that’s kind of a weird/harmful assumption to make about someone you don’t know + i don’t even want to imagine that she still has any feelings for that racist redneck republican blue lives matter pig and it’s embarrassing she ever did in the first place, especially with the “he’s a good cop” shit she pulled at the beginning of their relationship
  2. this is so funny too because i remember his children being so excited when they started dating 💀💀 fuck them kids!
  3. I don’t interpret Ocean Blvd as being about any man. It’s a very self reflective song; I don’t believe she’s directly singing about a person, rather she’s discussing her place in all of her relationships in general. It’s a song about insecurity, codependency, and interpersonal instability, not being horny lol
  4. it’s none of our business but i really do wonder what happened between lana and sean considering they only started hanging out in September 2019 and were broken up before quarantine started in Mid-March. their relationship was probably less than 6 months and he’s already got 2, and potentially 3 albums about him
  5. i really don’t think she’s “hung up on him” or whatever, i think she’s just being petty… mostly because i don’t want to believe that she still has any feelings for his racist pig republican ass, it was very disappointing that she even associated herself with a character like him in the first place
  6. i was just driving and Ocean Blvd came on the radio and THEN at the same time a car with the license plate DNC-916 pulled out in front of me. DNC the album coming September 16th 2023 confirmed
  7. i knew that it wasn’t just a coincidence i cannottt with her if i were her instead of just the album title, that billboard would have “DON’T FORGET ME” in big letters too
  9. people have theorized that she’s quitting music after every release since Paradise. she seems content with where she’s at right now, i don’t think she’s going anywhere lol
  10. honestly any difference between single vs album version of Venice Bitch isn’t Jack’s fault. most singles that are released before an album is done are re-mastered later with the rest of the entire album to blend better with everything else, it’s the mastering engineer’s fault haha
  11. I still think it’s funny that my discovering of Lana was when Taylor ripped off the Ride music video; I remember the first time I had ever heard of Lana was in December 2012 when Taylor released the I Knew You Were Trouble video and all of the comments were about how she stole Lana’s idea. I looked up the Ride video and watched it to see what all of the fuss was about and the rest is history Lana’s always been my favorite throughout the years, but I feel like how often she releases music actually started leaving me kind of oversaturated last year so in 2021 I probably listened to her the least I ever have. But I’m past that and excited for the new era, and I also recognize that she has not only grown as an artist but as a person, and it’s not fair to expect of her what people expected 10 years ago. We’re watching her legacy unfold on her terms and it’s very refreshing
  12. kind of a random pick but, “They all got girlfriends but I’m the one that they want, Miss America, with the blue mascara on” from the Driving In Cars With Boys demo. because it was the first unreleased lana song i ever heard and also the first song that really got me into her so i’m emotionally attached to it
  13. just realized that i have a big weeklong vacation to a secluded island starting on march 11th… album listening experience of a lifetime incoming
  14. Deleted Member

    Taylor Swift

    like they don’t even bother to look at the credits before shitting on him 😭 it’s like people blaming Jack for Blue Banisters
  15. Deleted Member

    Charli XCX

    that pop 2 vinyl is so ugly i’m so glad i still have the original clear/red pop 2/n1a variant 😭
  16. when lana said that drew added orchestral arrangements to her iphone voice memos i thought she was talking about just making demos with him but the way she described the song in her letter makes me think even the final version is literally recorded on her voice memos app like Violet which scares me 😭 to pull that off either the mixing has to be really really good or they have to lean into the lo-fi vocals thing even more. but i trust them to make it work… i think
  17. still wish this album just came out all at once 😭 especially after BOZ said it’s better experienced as one body of work. tbh i would’ve preferred her announce it in january without a single but with a snippet of a song or two in an album trailer, and then the whole album at once digitally in feb, and then physical release in march
  18. i really don’t know what she would gain from touring right now; she’s made it known that she absolutely hates it, touring is like 4x as expensive now as it was pre-pandemic, i really don’t think she cares about the money but even if she did she would likely not be bringing enough home these days for it to even be worth it, and she seems pretty happy and content just spending her free time with her family and friends. i literally don’t think there would be any positives to come out of a tour for her right now, not even one lol. but i can possibly see her maybe playing some one-off pop up shows
  19. people love to troll and can be very convincing lol, they’re 100% fake though
  20. i just can’t shake the feeling that if lana doesn’t explore more horns on this album, at some point in the future we are going to get an album that utilizes very heavy and dramatic brass sections in the same way her previous albums have utilized string sections. it just feels like such a natural artistic progression for her to make an album like that
  21. some of y’all are very boring… let people have fun, we are excited!! if we want to clown for 3 months straight what is wrong with that not to mention this is literally the longest wait between preorder and release date in lana’s career
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