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  1. okay no cause what the hell it’s not Dark City either… but i swear we had a snippet of an unreleased song that uses that same melody
  2. wait actually no i mixed up what the Dark City and Fingertips snippets sounded like in my head but it’s actually Dark City that i just realized uses the same melody as Betty Boop Boop at 0:35
  3. WAIT… WHY DO I THINK YOURE ACTUALLY RIGHT 😭 i just realized that the melody in the long Fingertips snippet actually sounds like Betty Boop Boop LMFAO
  4. so is this a genuine question or is he being cryptic about her sampling herself on the album… i can’t tell if it’s “Has Lana ever sampled her own song before? 😉” or if he is really just asking randomly lmao
  5. the “sweet” snippet that they posted is just the snippet of sugary sweet from 2017
  6. Say Yes To Heaven Dan Auerbach Version 111 Exclusive Happy New Year.wav when
  7. i don’t necessarily agree with you about 13 beaches being better on NFR but i do think often about how Tomorrow Never Came and BPBP would’ve enhanced the sonic landscape of NFR a lot better than they do LFL and would’ve complimented songs like MAC, Love Song, How to Disappear, California, and HIAB very well
  8. someone should leak another version of this song but title the file as like version 11 or something just to fuck with us LMFAOOOO i can see the meltdowns
  9. Okay the only released songs that I absolutely actively HATE with a passion are Summertime The Gershwin Version and Violets for Roses. Although I am not the biggest fan of Lolita, Lucky Ones, American, Fucked My Way Up to the Top (this one might be controversial), 24, In My Feelings, Coachella, WTWWAWWKD, TNBAR (I love Architecture though), Bartender, Let Me Love You Like a Woman, Dance Till We Die, Blue Banisters, Beautiful, Thunder (don’t get me wrong it’s a good song but the album version is very lazy), and Wildflower Wildfire. And then I go through phases with Sweet Carolina, How to Disappear, Love Song, California, Groupie Love, Carmen, Summer Bummer, Breaking Up Slowly, Blue Velvet, Without You, and Art Deco (another controversial pick) where some days/in some moods they’re nice to listen to but on other days I just can’t enjoy anything about them I didn’t realize how long that list is until I read it back but LISTEN that’s not that many skips at all for a discography of Lana’s size
  10. not this thread becoming active again and the patience i just built up these last few weeks to wait until March for this album immediately starting to shrink… it’s the lanaboards hype that’s going to make the wait for march 10th so painful
  11. i don’t expect lana to retire any time soon if ever, i kinda think she’s gonna be like 70 still putting records out regularly lol but she is soooo prolific for the landscape of the music industry in 2023, especially in terms of artists who have been in the industry as long as she has, that after every album (which always comes sooner than i expect) i’m like “okay there’s no way we’re getting another one for another 3-4 years” LMAO. and then i remember how inspired she is by the late 60s-late 70s folk scene when it was standard to put out an album a year and because of that + the fact that she’s not touring, deep down i don’t think she’s going anywhere anytime soon we’re just gonna keep getting fed every 12-20 months the camcorder videos also would’ve made perfect sense considering how intimate they would’ve been and what neil said about shooting the album campaign in intimate spaces. those videos would’ve been so cute
  12. i really don’t think the laptop robbery affected her music at all considering there’s no way she would be the only person in the world with the files, her producers and collaborators have everything. i think she thought whoever stole her laptop was leaking songs because we had those snippets of Fingertips and the title track. the laptop/hard drive robbery is more of a loss for the music videos we could’ve gotten this era and behind the iron gates
  13. i am still almost positive it was Ian Fitchuk but people didn’t believe me because he had his glasses off and hair tucked behind his head in that photo 😭 logically it just makes the most sense because she was on FaceTime with him around when she posted that “I hope you like country music” story and he has a history with country music (Kacey Musgraves) and is close friends with Nikki Lane, Gabe Simon, and Dean Reid and we know lana usually tends to collaborate with artists in her immediate network
  14. i’m the opposite i kinda feel like after this album is gonna be longest wait until the next one in lana’s career (which literally isn’t even that long lol i’m expecting like 3 years) but also i said that exact same thing after NFR then after Chemtrails then after Blue Banisters
  15. https://instagram.com/stories/final_garden/3001600815572626821?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=YWJhMjlhZTc= EWWW does he mean Ariel Pink… I think he does he follows him on IG 😭😭 Lana better delete that post promoting the event I don’t want her to get cancelled again 💀
  16. also @Elle for next year can i propose a Funniest Member category because there are a lot of people i want to nominate for that 😭
  17. listen all i’m saying is that @the ocean better win Most Active and @Surf Noir better win Nicest Member
  18. i think how i started listening to Lana is actually kind of a funny story so i wanted to share; i’ve always been a huge Taylor Swift fan, she was the first artist besides like disney channel music that i ever remember actively liking. if Taylor deliberately copied is up for debate because Anthony Mandler directed both videos, but the similarities between Ride and Taylor’s I Knew You Were Trouble music video are absolutely uncanny, like ridiculously uncanny… in December 2012, right after Taylor released the IKYWT music video, all of the comments on it were about how she ripped off Lana’s Ride video. I hadn’t ever heard of Lana yet, but I was wondering what all of the fuss was about so I pulled up the Ride music video to see what everyone was talking about, and the rest is history
  19. now that the initial hype has chilled a little bit i feel more comfortable waiting until march even if we don’t get another single. the patience has set in finally
  20. it seems like she only vapes now? which affects the voice a lot less than smoking does so i wouldn’t be surprised if she lost some of her lower register when/if she quit cigarettes, not that that’s a bad thing at all lol so good for her but if she can still do what she used to in Chelsea Hotel/Burning Desire/Gods and Monsters/Riverside/etc etc it would be really cool to hear since we haven’t heard it in a while
  21. listening to Riverside and really hoping that Lana uses her raspy low register on this album, if she even still has that quality to her voice considering she’s stopped smoking cigarettes and we haven’t heard it from her since. but if she can still tap into that, it would be my favorite thing. it’s my favorite lana voice
  22. CALIFORNIA WON THE ELECTION IN A LANDSLIDE, but remember, I only think in terms of legal votes, not all of the fake voters and fraud that miraculously floated in from everywhere! What a disgrace!
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