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Deleted Member

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Everything posted by Deleted Member

  1. okay but the joni i am talking about is sexy wild and free and dark and jazzy… help me, twisted, free man in paris, edith and the kingpin, the jungle line! joni is so much more and so much more diverse than the “acoustic bumpkin” of her first 5 albums. something from the same world of Harry’s House/Centerpiece feels like a natural and realistic progression for lana coming off of songs like Black Bathing Suit and If You Lie Down with Me and Text Book
  2. i said this a couple months back and one of you dragged joni mitchell for no reason which was very ugly but i am saying it again: dream lana album would be something in the vein of Hejira and Court and Spark by Joni
  3. i don’t know why i think this especially considering i am not a fan of really anything on BB at all but i kinda feel like whatever is coming next is going to be lana’s magnum opus… like the body of work that defines her whole career 60 years down the line, the critical acclaim of Norman x10, the thing that really cements her legacy. i’m kind of scared i think that because i feel like i might be setting myself up for disappointment but i can’t shake the gut feeling
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