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  2. tbh, i feel like a lot of fans don’t realize that lana literally doesn’t care anymore, and she is established enough that she doesn’t have to… i’m sorry but i don’t think we are ever getting an “era” again; she is going to drop an album every couple years with a campaign photoshoot and that will be that. and that’s okay! i think the pop girlies are worked way too hard for way too long. she has done the big eras, she has made the big statements, she has her legacy. she has worked so hard, she deserves to just chill out. but anyone expecting this nearly 40 year old woman to go all out for an album cycle the way she did for her first few albums is setting themselves up to be disappointed and asking way too much from her i think. everyone works to one day not need to work
  3. i think both of these things are true honestly; i don’t think the “BB outtakes” have anything to do with her stuff getting stolen because those snippets leaked a while ago, but i think whoever did break into her car was possibly blackmailing or threatening her and she was under the impression that other stuff already leaked or was about to. but tbh, i really don’t think songs from less than 2 years ago can even be considered outtakes from one specific era, especially with how lana works. i think ocean boulevard and fingertips at least have been considered for the new album, they are so recent… iirc we haven’t seen leaks that recent since Architecture
  4. i reallyyyy hope lana doesn’t include any pre-2021 outtakes on this album lol, besides maybe loved you then and now. or if she does want to release them, i hope she throws them on a deluxe edition or something (even though she’s made it known that she hates releasing deluxe versions) because i still would really appreciate fine china and yes to heaven seeing the light of day
  5. the album did not just live on lana’s stolen hard drive and computer lol, tbh lana probably only had the song files. her producers are the ones who have the entire sessions; i can guarantee that nothing that was recorded for LDR9 was lost. tbh the only LDR9 rollout plans that i think were affected by the hack are the music videos and possibly lyrics for songs that hadn’t been recorded yet. unless any songs from it end up leaking in the future, in that case it would be pretty dangerous territory and that would have a lot more of an affect on the album rollout than the hack itself. that whole situation seems like more of a personal tragedy, invasion of privacy, and loss of her book than a loss of the album
  6. sooo many artists on indie labels do this, like a day before they’ll post a cryptic picture on instagram and then 18 hours later release a single and its music video, show the album cover, reveal the track list and release date, announce a tour, put up like 5 vinyl variants all at once and i HATEEEE it… and then they’ll go silent for a month, like this could’ve all been spread out over a few weeks and made for a really fun and immersive album rollout! pleaseeee slow down weyes blood just did this recently
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