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Posts posted by californianfreak

  1. Idk why, but it made me think of those lines from Trash Magic:



    I guess it's the reported speech!






    "He said I really luv your songs I thing they're sorta fantastic - they're trashy and nostalgic so I call em TrashMagic.


    What if this is about when Lanz played a song for Moby on his keyboard


    Also if my calculations are right, in 2006 Lanz would have been 20/21 and Moby would have been 40ish


    I gots a taste for men who are older, it's always been so it's no surprise



  2. I don't think Lana and Marina have fallen out - Lanz already posted about Marina's lead single, and she may have forgotten to post about the album release, or felt like she was annoying her followers if she was only posting about other people's work. I think there are many other explanations rather than something fishy is going on with their friendship - the other day, an interview with Marina came out saying that Lana helped her through a really tough time, which to me shows they are still strong friends (okay something could have happened since the interview, but I just don't see it. They both seem to have a lot of respect for each other, and don't feel the need to 'prove' their friendship by posting about each other's projects, although of course it is sweet to do that).

  3. but isn't that a different situation all together? Lana stated on numerous occasions her look was for herself and its not like her appearance wasn't widely divisive for men and women alike.

    I am sure it is not exactly the same situation, but the point in showing my own personal experiences with not wearing make-up was just to show that it doesn't indicate a cry for help or mental health issues - it doesn't need to be analysed, it probably doesn't mean anything. And the media can put a lot of pressure on women to look a certain way, which may or may not have caused Lana to feel the need to wear make-up. But this album cycle she seems overall more comfortable with herself (yes, she still seems to be working through some things as seen in HIADT, but overall imo she seems more comfortable), so she may not feel the need to wear make up for that reason too, and I am loving to see that. 

  4. tbh seeing comments about her image/“new persona” are really bothersome. i don’t know how her natural, bare face is less genuine than when she’s wearing eyeliner/lip liner/lash extensions/ etc.. she’s dressed causally her whole life. i mean she used to perform in jeans and that god awful green capitol records shirt for gods sake like,, idk. women will never be free huh. first you all diagnosed her with depression when she stopped wearing makeup and started tying her hair back or had some frizz. now because she does yoga and drinks matcha she’s basic with no personality? even tho these things really have nothing to do with her personality?? and besides, yoga and matcha are healthy, wholesome things. do you want her to go back to being an alcoholic?? my personal taste is very glamorous but i don’t dress like that day to day, it’s exhausting. i’m sure even moreso when you’re a celebrity and every time you leave your house you’re expected to perform for the public even if it’s just getting groceries. just let her exist naturally she doesn’t need lash extensions and fresh acrylics and an outfit that shows off her bare legs every time we see her . it’s like you guys forget ldr is a persona and a character she performs on stage for us, she’s not Lana Del Rey born to die cola honeymoon west coast million dollar man when she’s getting ice cream and window shopping with her friends. she’s lizzy grant (aka HERSELF). she doesn't have to be lana del rey when she doesn't want to. i think what we're seeing now is just lizzy grant, the most genuine version of herself because…. it’s her???


    maybe some of u would like a refresher 



    so if lizzy grant wears makeup and styles her hair then who is this girl when she’s barefaced? someone who doesn’t exist? a new persona we haven’t formally introduced to yet?


    as someone who used to do a full face of makeup and style my hair every day basically since i was allowed to wear makeup, post on ig all the time and be active on social media etc; i haven’t worn makeup in two years bar special occasions like weddings and stuff, i haven’t used heat on my hair except maybe once or twice a year otherwise i wear my natural texture, my ig is anonymous and i don’t post at all i just use it to get notifs for when my friends and fave musicians post, all my social media is anonymous now too and like u get the point.. but i’m so much happier now than i was back then. i don’t feel the need to perform femininity for others cuz i’m just fine being myself. my self esteem and self confidence is so much better. like u said, we can think it’s entirely different what she’s going through and i too believe in psychology, but just because you guys think this new lana is a “step down” from the old lana or whatever doesn’t mean it actually is. she’s grown and changed. i doubt we’re all the same person we used to be back in 2012 when she was always glamorous too. you can call her selfies ugly but they really aren’t. there’s no such thing as ugly, just perceived value based on how conventionally u fit into european beauty standards and whatever is “trendy” at the moment. it feels like a lot of ppl on here think that she’s losing her worth because of how she’s changed and it’s really disheartening because they’re associating her natural state as less than when she complied with societal standards and i’m really tired of it


    THIS :defeated: Thank you so much for saying this, my thoughts exactly!! I used to wear make up daily, but now I just cba anymore - not because of any mental health condition or cry for help. It's because I just don't feel the need anymore - although I still have issues, I am just more comfortable in my own skin and don't feel like I need to improve my appearance for anyone. And that's a positive thing - why should women feel the need to change how they look for others? Honestly, not wearing make-up regularly is not a big deal and likely does not mean something deep is going on! I am not trying to roast anyone, I love you guys, but pllleeeeaaaasseee just keep that in mind!

  5. she slipped an "i'm half greek" in there 

    I'm very proud of my Greek heritage, particularly because I haven't talked about it much before ...  :wtfney:

    ... on other albums  :creep: 


    She had me for a minute there thinking our girl had memory problems

  6. What was really cute from last night was that Marina slightly changed the lyrics to Happy:


    I hadn't found the one for me


    I wonder if she changed it because now she is in a loving, stable relationship with Jack, so now she feels like she has found the one? My heart EXPLODED when she did that :defeated:

  7. I'll agree FROOT merch was a lot better, but I actually still love some of the L+F merch - I'll be getting the grey long sleeve top and wristband and maybe more if the exam I'll be taking 5 hours beforehand goes disastrously wrong  :flutter:


    Also can anyone see what that thing for £5 is to the right of the tour date t shirts??

  8. asdfghjkl so today at uni, I took the lift and I overheard someone listening to L+F (they were listening to You)!! I was gonna strike up a conversation with them, but before I could do that, the doors opened for my floor. So I started walking out, but then I thought NO I must put an end to my social awkwardness!! I span round in an attempt to talk to her, but completely mis-timed it and full on slammed myself into the side of the doors of the lift, then let out a slightly hysterical laugh, and pointed to my L+F necklace.


    Her mortified expression made me realise I looked like a complete nutter and legged it before embarrassing myself further... 

  9. To give insight to my opinion, I've been a hardcore stan since 2012. 


    And honestly, I was not disappointed with this album. Some of the songs are not really good (I'm looking at you, Superstar.) Some of the lyrics are a bit strange (the 'towels' line in NMS) but as someone mentioned before, it feels reminiscent of her quirky lyrics from TFJ ('we are the spoons...'). Some of the melodies and production feel a little bit repetitive but it's refreshing to see her embracing genuine electropop. I would've liked to see PDCM and TNWWY on the album as I feel they fit more than some of the songs on it but I'm not mad as we have heard parts of both of them.  FEAR>LOVE. 


    I was at Neon Gold X when she premiered Emotional Machine and honestly, I was a little disappointed, but after hearing the studio version it is definitely a highlight of the album.  I'm so glad that BROODS provided backing vocals for the song and it wasn't just for the live performance.  It adds to much to the song! Life is Strange has been on repeat too (but fuck that cheering sample).  That cello though!  Karma sounds exactly like a Clean Bandit song (almost a WIL reject..) so I wasn't really surprised that Jack produced it.  I could see them pushing that as a single.  I also wish we never got that You snippet last year because I feel like I had expectations for that song that weren't met.  It's a cute little bop though. 


    I'm not sure how I would rank this against her other albums.  I feel like I don't have an accurate gauge on how to rank them because her first three albums are so overplayed for me that my opinion might be skewed. 


    Overall, as a hardcore stan, I feel like the four years was worth the wait. This album is the pop album I desperately wanted FROOT to be following EH. I find myself relating to a lot of the themes throughout the album, and that's part of why I love Marina so much.  I do definitely understand the criticism that it's a bit ~basic~ but I do not think basic music is bad.  I love how distinct all 4 albums are, and how cohesive they are.  L+F is extremely cohesive, and I'm happy to see how much she has matured in her thought process and that she has a positive outlook on life now.  I'm happy that she's happy!  :flutter:



    Finally able to listen to "Fear" and wow, I am geniunely surprised that I am liking it. I was nervous reading the comments on here, but I honestly

    think it's really cute and definitely a grower. Still my least favorite album of hers, but I don't think it's terrible. There are definitely some good bops.

    8.5/10 for me.  :flutter:


    (I think you all should appreciate that Marina returned to music. Remember she considered quitting it altogether!!! Don't be so critical, just enjoy!)



    I loved these posts :flutter: my thoughts exactly!! 

  10. I'll agree that this is probably her worst album, however I still love it nonetheless! :defeated: Plus her previous albums have had to grow on me anyway - especially TFJ which I wasn't as sure about at first but now it's her second best album (behind FROOT). I think this will also be one that grows on you over time, and I do really love the simplicity behind it as well as the themes she is exploring throughout :flutter:

  11. She looks so cute :flutter:


    I love you guys but really I think we can be way too harsh - there is really no need to get all dressed up to go into town. Why should she? There really is no need for her to dress up, put on make up, extensions, etc, unless she wants to, and that is the only valid reason. And if she doesn't want to do that, it doesn't mean she doesn't care about her career, herself, etc. 

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