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Posts posted by californianfreak

  1. Well last night was an experience :defeated: Every single song was incredible live. Charli, Rina and Brooke all killed it.


    It seems like I may have been lucky but most people around me were really friendly, one guy even started singing with me during WM (if that was you, thank you so much, I was feeling pretty anxious and you really helped me to relax)

  2. Love + Fear is a good album. Y’all hate on it way too much. The only reason y’all don’t like it is that it’s her most different work & that’s it her most pop record. Except for a few tracks the lyrics are good! The production is good, & the videos are good. The weakest tracks are you, true, life is strange, emotional machine, & to be human (cringe). Yet, overall it’s a solid body of work that with some production & lyrical changes could really be a more solid body of work. If anything I’d say she should’ve made True acoustic. Swapped You for the demo version, same for karma. Added TNWWY & TAOLG. Although, in comparison to her past records it is the weakest. Has she kept the better tracks & worked on the lyrics it could’ve topped Electra Heart. It has done if her strongest songs like

    Soft To Be Strong, Too Afraid, Handmade Heaven, End of the Earth, Enjoy Your Life, & Believe In Love. The album really isn’t that bad.

    Agree with most of this except LIS, EM, and TBH are some of my fave Marina songs ever :defeated:


    L+F gets way too much hate - it is a slightly basic pop record (but there is nothing wrong with that [TNWWY tease]) which is packed full of raw, genuine emotions Marina has been feeling, which I think is beautiful.

  3. I get that Win is a bit of a controversial subject here, but he is probably quite comforting to Lana which is why she always goes to him. She may be very anxious at each sow, possibly even more so at a smaller venue like the Grammy museum as it seems more intimate. He might be a stable factor which helps Lana relax. I agree she should also meet her many other fans who have made the effort to go, but I can see why she may always greet him.


    As for her forgetting lyrics, idk what to think really. Could be anxiety, could be there are many demos of MAC with different lyrics that she keeps confusing the final MAC with. Or another explanation for her forgetting lyrics and spacing out could be that she is on some sort of medication. I am currently on medication for anxiety, and it has made me so forgetful and I constantly space out. Plus there were rumours she was on some sort of medication back on the endless summer tour, so she may be back on it.


    Anyway, if anything is up, I hope she is okay.

  4. I wonder if she'll be able to top TOTL vol. 1 with vol. 2. It's her best work imo. In The Next Life's her best song tbh




    YESYESYESYESYESYESYES I thought I was the only one who thought TOTL V1 is her best work, and ITNL is her best song :defeated:

  5. wowwwww guess I’m not a mod

    ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽




    You're brilliant in the Charli thread btw and I laugh at your posts loads  :creep:

  6. SO happy with the cover omg :defeated:


    Honestly idk what I was expecting but I wasn't expecting THAT!! Chuck's magnum opus!! This really feels like a turning point in her discography (even though imo it was perfect already)


    And even though the cover is different to the previous albums, it still flows really well - NFR is now another phase in the journey, where she has travelled across America and now has to leave to a new land, and she is taking us with her!! 

  7. imo FROOT is deffo her best work, there is something about it that is just.... I literally can't describe it, like EVERY song is perfect to me and although the videos are quite simple, there is something about the FROOT and Neon Nature aesthetic that I love. Idk, it just feels like I am home when I listen to FROOT :flutter:


    But yeah, all of Marina's albums are phenomenal in their own right! They all have something unique to offer which other albums can't match up to!

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