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Posts posted by californianfreak

  1. do you have a video of it?

    Noo I didn't record any of it :( I wouldn't be surprised if the School of Life uploads a video of it though, because there was a poster saying that recording may be happening (although I am not sure if they just do that at every event!)

  2. Did anyone go to the School of Life talk yesterday?? It was AMAZING!! It helped give the album some more context, and I love it even more now!! She is so unbelievably honest and down-to-earth. The psychologist interviewing her also said she has listened to the full album, and it was not 'mainstream' but it also wasn't 'non-mainstream'. 


    I also met her afterwards and I hardly slept last night but idec it was worth it :defeated:

  3. You think so? She seems pretty proud and happy about the LOVE songs, but you could be right.

    At the moment it seems like a possibility... but yeah she does seem to love the LOVE songs as she should! :flutter: but I wouldn't be surprised if she is just releasing them as a GP/label pleasing thing! Plus I have a feeling FEAR is going to be completely different to LOVE, so if she released singles from both, people may complain about a lack of cohesiveness. So I guess just releasing singles from one album enforces the idea that these are two separate albums!


    girl like it's all because of delayed album/no news 

    so her every action is under intense criticism atm 

    everyone's ready to drag her 

    if she were to release the album by now with a proper era planned in advance everyone would be much more positive & happy

    regardless the performance would still get dragged cause it's lazy but everyone would not be waiting ready to attack her every move


    I understand that this album cycle has been frustrating, but I still don't think that makes it okay to judge her every move. And if we were not so quick to make negative judgements, maybe people would be happier and more accepting. I get what you are saying though. 

  5. Honestly, I am ready for my upcoming crucifixion for this post, but here goes..


    I get this is a public forum where we can post our opinions, whether they are positive or negative. However, I feel recently there has been unnecessary criticism towards Lana. This includes her recent BUKU performance - I don't see why what she wears and how much make-up she puts on matters so much, and of course her setlist is going to be less stan-friendly (because she is rightly tailoring it for a festival). As well as this, other areas seem to receive so much backlash at the moment, and I really struggle to understand why, e.g., her poetry, her friends, her instagram posts, her current lifestyle (excluding hillsong of course), her appearance when in public as well as on stage, her vocals on stage (I personally think they are still brilliant, but we struggle to notice this because the playback is too loud), etc. Firstly, if we only focus on the negative, then that is all we are going to see. Secondly, do all these things that we are criticising really matter? Why do we care so much about what she wears, or what instagram filter she uses, or that she likes to attend yoga and drink matcha tea? We are all here because we have a special connection to Lana and her music (I am assuming), and that seems to be lost for a lot of people here. I think we need to take a step back, let Lana be herself and live her life without so much judgement, and be more accepting/forgiving/tolerating as a fan base. Once we do that, there will be a happier fan base who can fall back in love with Lana again (for those who may have lost their connection, as I notice quite a few members seem to feel this way).


    Anyway, thank you for coming to my TEDtalk. 

  6. So Marina recently said she was doing 'something major' with Gay Times, and today she posted the same selfie while tagging Grimes and referencing We Appreciate Power... I wonder if Marina and Grimes are doing a joint feature in Gay Times??

  7. Honestly I actually really like it!! It reminds me of a happier Blue (although I have no idea why!). I think it's really quirky in a brilliant way, and I think it may be one of those songs that you don't know how to take it when it comes out, but it grows on you over time!



    [Africa snippet]




    [south America snippet]




    [North America snippet]

    I see the flowers and the greenery

    I take a breath


    [Asia snippet]

    of air

    I feel free

    Spent so long


    [Europe snippet]

    Was busy chasing happiness

    When all I needed was


    [Australia snippet]

    A little peace

    Try to get back to what we need

  9. I can see why you guys are saying she's sold out to become mainstream, and she certainly is less quirky compared to previous albums, but I still think Superstar is miles better than anything played on mainstream radio at the moment. And her lyrics are still beautiful, especially Handmade Heaven (and even some of Superstar's lyrics imo). Baby is pretty mainstream and generic, but for a Clean Bandit song it's a lot better than I ever expected it would be! Not to be THAT person, but we have only heard three songs out of sixteen in full, and I think if she was trying to become mainstream, she would do A LOT more promo and TV/radio appearances and release her singles over a longer period of time to give each single a better chance of charting. 


    But yeah, what I am trying to say is, her music is less quirky than what we are used to. But the Marina we know and love is still there, especially in the lyrics. And if she was trying to become mainstream, she would be pushing each single a lot harder than she currently is.

  10. If she has such limited time to do 7 songs, it would be nice if she did at least one from each era. It could be something like:


    Video Games


    West Coast

    High by the Beach



    Venice Bitch


    It's a little basic but with such limited time and it being a festival rather than her own concert, I think that would be reasonable. Hopefully she would do all of VB, rather than the first two and a half minutes. She could always use the instrumental part to go to the barricade, which I think would be cool. And then come back to the stage when the instrumental section stops.

  11. The song itself is not brilliant imo, but something about it is kinda addictive anyway?? I like the idea of the song in terms of the grungy Night-Time-My-Time-meets-Sucker tumblr aesthetic, but the song itself is not quite doing it for me yet! Maybe it will grow on me!

  12.  I am so hyped for this album!! I LOVE these lyrics :defeated:


    Especially this one


    I like to think about how we all look from afar
    People driving fancy cars look like beetles to the star
    The missiles and the bombs sound like symphonies gone wrong
    And if there is a God they’ll know why it’s so hard

  13. I like it, but I don't LOVE it yet. I think it probably will grow on me though, as I feel like this is a bit of a different style for Marina (which is not a bad thing, it just needs a bit of getting used to!). I do actually really like the lyrics though, they are not the deepest lyrics but they tell a story and they do get me quite emotional!

  14. I think NFR probably was coming on March 29 when it had the original album cover, but now she is shooting the new one (which could mean new CD, Vinyl, boxset designs, etc) so they knew March 29 would be too soon and gave the date to Billie. I think the music is finished, but the artwork is not (which is why Ben was saying the album was still being finished). And yeah, I agree that Lana still loves making music and being a singer, but is taking a step back until the era truly starts or a release date gets decided!

  15. Okay wow this has been an eventful day


    I think now we should not push things any further - Lana and Ben are probably both fuming now, and although we have reasons to be mad too, we are not doing ourselves any favours by ranting in Ben's insta comments. They are likely to be even less motivated to follow through with the release schedule (when one exists) if we keep hassling them. Sure, Ben's comments are not professional at all and Lana shouldn't have released these singles if the album is not finished. But as some other members said, maybe she thought she was doing a good thing that we would like by giving us these singles, or maybe she felt they were best heard in late summer and didn't want to wait until the actual release. Of course, this should have been made clear.


    But what I am saying is that, I don't think Ben and Lana's intentions are bad - we have caught Ben on a bad day where he has snapped and will likely be even less responsive if we keep pushing it. Lana probably doesn't want to play games or feel like she is teasing us. At the time of posting snippets, she may well not have known of all these barriers to NFR's release. 

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