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About Greenapple

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  1. My yellow vinyl arrived this morning - the version of Beautiful does not include the strings
  2. They probably just found that old fake track list with “I put a spell on you”
  3. Yeah it’s like 8 bit video game music, it’s definitely deliberate
  4. The slightly unpolished production, the lack of acknowledging the release, the (let’s face it) unflattering single covers... I have to assume it’s all a deliberate exercise in confronting her insecurities and desire for perfection. I’d imagine that if I was a highly scrutinised celebrity there would be something liberating about just throwing out art without all of the polish and marketing BS that normally goes into campaigns. Maybe she’s done with the fame game but she still wants to be keep being an artist (thank god)
  5. Yep I think this is correct. A stint is a short period of time so she’s saying that she has done time in wards (presumably alcoholic issues as we know as well as mental health) but she’s saying despite it all she is still standing
  6. new here! Joining at the start of a new album rollout but ive stalked the forum for like ten years as a guest So obsessed with WW! I have missed these low vocals and the atmospheric production. COCC was cute but looking back it was all getting a bit too minimal and shrill for the Lana I fell in love with. This feels like a return to form. also love the message of BB. Assuming the banisters are a metaphor for the supporting structures of her ascension / progress as an artist / person. You need banisters to move up. Men that break her heart turn them blue (classic sad lana trope) but her family and friends make them grey at first (at best I can say I’m not sad) but they’re green when the seasons turn because they make her life happy and enrich it like nature. Also maybe it’s an allegory for depression / seasonal affective disorder??
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