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Paris Hilton

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Everything posted by Paris Hilton

  1. A real insider told me that the chorus of Young In Love consists of Lana only saying dark blue 15 times. The song is very up-beat and very dark and orchestral.
  2. VEVO channel: 31 videos Personal channel: 22 videos I think it's still the same
  3. My favorite band honestly. I cry so hard with 'Trapdoor'. It's a very personal song to me and it means so much for me. If I could help someone with depression or anxiety, I'll definitely tell them to listen to this band. I think it's a great idea to end this era with another mv, specially a mv for HeavyDirtySoul. I'd like to Hometown get a mv. I'm low key dying inside.
  4. I'm very confundido. How there is no orchestration, but it's very cinematic like Y&B?. Explain me.
  5. I regret of my thirstiness for a snippet lol. I'll wait. Some of you made me think over of what I said lmaoooooo.
  6. I just want to get teased with a .10 snippet. I'm really excited for this new era.
  7. I love having this feeling back when you're waiting desperately for an album.
  8. Some of you can't be grateful with @Eclipse , instead of that, some of you decide to attack him.
  9. I would like Lana to work with Rick Nowels, Justin Parker, Mark Ronson and Emile Haynie. I really don't think that Dan and Lana are going to work together again because of what happened with UV. But I would love that to happen.
  10. Honestly, i don't know what's worse, Meghamburguer music or PC music.
  11. I kinda dislike the music videos from Honeymoon.
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