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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. My signed one arrives Tomorrow or the next day I'm shook bestie
  2. Someone said something Bout the guy yelling at the end of leeches maybe being Oliver tree and I think that everytime I listen now
  3. Could I get a copy of these please omg these are beautiful
  4. Absolutely agree they're a disease
  5. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all
  6. I'm sick of the ugly ass hats like sis nobody thinks those things are cute
  7. I think she just likes being eaten out lmao 😂
  8. Definitely agree the album release has been so fun, I feel like a have another lil family here on Lana boards I love u guys lmao 🤣 I hope they say no to the movie and make her give us a deluxe instead with the tracks we want (I know it's not gunna happen but a boy can dream) Walmart supposedly has the cds (mine are all out go figure) it's explicit I don't see a censored one anywhere
  9. Oop I missed that part nvm then
  10. CJ baran liked a comment about sirens being in the deluxe 👀👀👀 This tweet
  11. Checked the tracking on my signed CD and it still hasn't updated
  12. No more stems please I just want music, or how about music AND stems
  13. Here it is if anyone wants to see it 😭
  14. He has a whole ass video dedicated to me 😭😂😂😭 I love him
  15. I played it with speakers and my headphones and it sounds muffled regardless and it bugs me but I love it
  16. It just means they haven't physically dropped the package off yet just the label and tracking number has been generated
  17. She REALLY hates this man, rightfully so though
  18. She said pissy power, and we love it but I was initially shocked to find this out. Definitely bjork teas
  19. I hope to God this is satire but apparently Melanie used her menstrual colics in moo ncycle according to this page 👀. This post The comments 😭
  20. Her laugh in the contortionist scratches an itch idk how to explain it
  21. They better not or someone is losing their knee caps
  22. EDIT: just got the email oop Has anyone's CD order shipped? Mine hasn't I only got the signed CD not the bundle
  23. They're hq enough to ride me over until after work when we get the highest quality so thank you guys I'm going back to bed ily ladies
  24. So far it sounds hq and not listening party hq so I'd say yes
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