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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. I'm upset I'm going back to sleep Omg where bestie
  2. That and it's gone so I assume it got taken down for this reason
  3. The zip is the listening party y'all that's why it's so small
  4. Someone upload it please before I lose my shit
  5. So where is the zip file I don't see anything online
  6. Fingers crossed it's there when I wake up, goodnight ladies
  7. Ahhhh ok that makes sense, I'm so sorry you had to see that 😭
  8. I thought atrl is a music forum or am I confusing it with something else
  9. It's almost time ladies, if I don't wake up to a zip file tomorrow so I can listen before work I'm going to die. It's genuinely shocking how it hasn't leaked in any way especially with the record and CD being sold early etc
  10. I genuinely am feeling a mix of things about this era, the songs the vibes etc etc like I hated it, started to like it and now I think I don't know how to feel anymore 😭
  11. Ma'am are you ok 😭
  12. Nz save us please 🥺
  13. Period Melanie stans are the literal worst
  14. I agree I really like it and like another user said those of us with bi polar/BPD can really relate tbh I feel so seen
  15. Unfortunately not yet I'll tag you if it does ❤️
  16. Was it another egg snippet?
  17. And my personal favorite nymphology. I'm so excited for the album
  18. This should tide me over until tomorrow when the album leaks
  19. Hmmm I wonder, this whole rollout and physical media thing has been so confusing and messy like
  20. That's what I'm understanding too but not 100% sure if that's factual or not 🤔
  21. Y'all see this More people are getting Vinyl and yet here we are
  22. Cry babies think that if they don't listen to leaks and stuff and are little white knights that they will get noticed by Melanie and all that when in reality she couldn't care less about you nor does she even know you exist
  23. We absolutely hate to see it
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