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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. Not her post on 360 beat an hour ago 😭😭😭😭
  2. This version nof block doesn't scratch the itch I have, I'm conflicted on it
  3. Where tf is block (nomak version) 😭
  4. What if her tour was titled garden? I'd die 😭
  5. Eraser is so sad and cute I'm so sad it's an underrated bop
  6. True romance really still is that bitch
  7. Omg I'd love to see them too, I'm sure there's a ton we aren't aware exists tbh
  8. I know we got a ton of emos with the initial leak years ago, but I wonder if there's more that we aren't aware of that was scrapped. I'd love to hear it or see photo outtakes etc
  9. Can Morgan wallen croak already
  10. It also just occured to me I've bought 5 copies of this album already. The regular CD, the signed CD, the digital deluxe, the digital and I'm wanting the vinyl but I'll wait for a good pressing
  11. Preach, Ive pretty much exclusively only listened to it non stop
  12. I would like to hear it
  13. Anyways signed CD is here I had to open it to find the signature. It looks exactly like the rest
  14. Ma'am..... I'm speechless
  15. Oof yes and I feel so bad because I don't think she's intentionally doing it either and I mean there was Stella, timothy to name a few of problematic ppl
  16. EDIT: nvm it's in the sealed CD So is it like inside the sealed CD? Or am I missing something
  17. I'm literally going to lose my mind y'all they sent me the standard jewel case one I don't see a signature anywhere
  18. I must have missed the Charli hate oof fuck globelamp Oop I missed this too I'm so sorry 😔
  19. That's what I'm saying 😭
  20. Hate to be that girlie but y'all see this? Globelamp defends Melanie And outs Timothy as a liar apparently? I'm just going off of what was said in comments
  21. It was delivered I'm heading home soon to go get it omggg
  22. My signed CD is finally out for delivery today yay
  23. Most of the album sounds fine for the most part there is howbwr evil which sounds more muffled on car speakers then otherwise. The CD quality sounded the same to me tbh. I will agree the album definitely needed to be mastered better
  24. I would like to see a nymphology video and then when the line "just a fairy with a knife" and the blade noise happens to see her go back to her roots and go crazy
  25. That's exactly what I'm saying but it would be cool to see ashnikko do a cover or sumn of dragons blood
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