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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. http://picosong.com/w5W6H Here's a longer snippet
  2. We have most of haunted why hasn't it leaked uhhhhughh
  3. We're getting haunted next week
  4. I love this song, I found it in a porno once on accident
  5. What was that song that was posted? It's not working
  6. I'm really over here crying to the one that I die for, it's just too good
  7. Just to confirm it's purely just based on screenshots doesn't mean it's 100% true
  8. Someone confirmed they have haunted and will leak it soon, and outright instead of just snippets
  9. Post pop the balloons plz
  10. These xcx leaks have me so shook, I got the version of glow I wanted, sticky, and atap I'm so wet
  11. So basically this crazy stalker is saying Charli don't come to the minneMinn show or bad things will happen and she's committed tons of wrongs etc
  12. Ok but why is nobody talking about the fact charli's life was threatened
  13. Yes king do it up! Where's all my other gc Kings and queens at
  14. We can only hope, but knowing her it's probably for the movie since she scraps everything
  15. I just want screw it up and I can die a happy man
  16. So is taxi dead now too or
  17. You oculd always dm it to me too
  18. Not only did Charli like retweet and reply to my tweet but umru liked it and commented, I'm deceased
  19. Yeah that was ridiculous, kinda glad for their sake they didn't spend that much
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