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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. Same! I need it I hate lil boaty's version
  2. Someone get it and leak it
  3. Littlejackk needs to be stopped
  4. They said littlejackk posted it
  5. I'm doing some research to see what I can find out
  6. I'm gonna kms https://twitter.com/DavyMunster/status/1042139216858165248?s=19 Here
  7. Where do babies come from leaked for a few minutes on soundclsoun but got taken down
  8. Listen to schizo with headphones on or surround sound
  9. People who have heard it say it's crap idk tho I haven't heard it
  10. https://youtu.be/qerPGweNchg Schizo leaked
  11. If we don't get where do babies come from I will die
  12. C'mon Charli we're parched sis
  13. Now if where do babies come from leaks I will be 1000% content
  14. So where can I contact crybaby boi I swear to God if we don't get it by the end of the year like she said I'm done
  15. Apparently Melanie's roommate (who I doubt exists) said the album is due out this month but idk I don't believe em
  16. http://picosong.com/w5W6H Here's a longer snippet
  17. We have most of haunted why hasn't it leaked uhhhhughh
  18. We're getting haunted next week
  19. I love this song, I found it in a porno once on accident
  20. What was that song that was posted? It's not working
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