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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. Edit: apparently it's a issue but I can't fix it from my phone and have no pc Anyone else having issues reacting to content 🥺 I cleared cookies and cache and nothing
  2. We absolutely hate to see it, she is died
  3. What do we think miss Melanie is going to do next 🤭 Also is anyone having issues reacting to things? I'm trying to in this and the Charli thread and can't
  4. Same smith on in the city, we truly lost 😭
  5. That was my other guess lmao
  6. PLEASE Also is light shower actually about getting busted on, I know it's a love song but I can't help but feel like it's about that and it kinda hints at that
  7. Please for the love of God please leak drive fast
  8. Same but honestly kinda over it and have no hope :/ I honestly forgot about Melanie until light shower came on shuffle today that's how this new era is for me
  9. @Nigel Hitch sis you are about to lose it 🤭
  10. I am genuinely so disappointed in her and this era, I saw the bigger picture at first but now it's just boring, dragged out, confusing and messy and like others have said there isn't much of anything to talk about like it was DOA.
  11. Are u saying someone leaked spring breakers because I would love to see it 😳
  12. Justice for queen Lizzy, that masterpiece deserved a release
  13. I am a little disappointed they're not actual songs 😭
  14. Where are y'all listening
  15. I hate to agree but I'm starting to feel this way, I was super into it at first and tried to be understanding but I just can't anymore :/
  16. Someone l word it plz
  17. I don't know how to feel about this info
  18. Wait what where I missed something Are we getting 2 die 4?
  19. Twice is one of charlis best sorry I don't make the rules 🤧
  20. Idk if I'm allowed to say this but if I remember correctly the other day choli said springs breakers isn't on the new album so like someone hand it over please and thank you
  21. Speed drive mv we won
  22. I had to do a double take when I saw this on her story, this is a mess
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