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Everything posted by C0neyIslandKing

  1. OMG! PUSH ME DOWN! I love it, reminds me of a past relationship but it has a goor rhythm and great lyrics so it's all good!
  2. OMG Burning Desire! That too gets me everytime when I'm in a vehicle
  3. For you what is the Lana song that gets you totally into the moment? When I'm walking to get the bus to college and Lolita comes on I'm like this: Then when GoGo Dancer comes on while i'm in my room i'm... Well, I'll let Simone Simons show you... I just get so swept up by the song! I feel so dramatic while it's playing! BABY NEEDS A NEW FUUUURR!!!!
  4. I much prefer Lana's cover of Heart-Shaped Box to Blue Velvet, I would rather see HSB on the paradise album, Blue Velvet is nice for the campaign but I don't like it that much as an album song
  5. 1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey My friend saw her perform during her Lizzy era when she was on holiday and told me to check her out and I got her AKA album from iTunes and fell in love! It took me about a month after Video Games went around to realise it was the same person as Lizzy 2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music Yayo! 3: Favorite Lana hairstyle When it was auburn, long and wavy! Also love her plain straight hair in Blue Jeans video (and the cover of Paradise) 4: Favorite live performance iTunes Festival! 5: Favorite lyric All of the lyrics to Disco tbh 6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to? Well I'm gay so actually no, I think she is one of THE most beautiful women but I just can't see her in that way. 7: Favorite facial feature THOSE EYES!! 8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana? The fact she isn't so open about everything and she doesn't tweet much 9: Have you ever met Lana? No 10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana? Tarja Turunen! also Simone Simons from Epica! All three are my idols and are equally loved, I worship those women! 11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan? !OBSESSED! 12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her? I would! I would get her to bite me and we can be the undead King and Queen of Coney Island :creepy:
  6. Lana put DOPE CINEMA on some of her other videos on her youtube account It's on the video for Carmen I think...
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