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Everything posted by C0neyIslandKing

  1. I hear: "...special just for you. White almonds, baking powder on the stove, Cooking up a dream, turning diamonds to snow. I feel you, pretty baby, feel me, Turn it up hard, loving you is for free..." And then I'm not sure about that last line! Ugh this sounds amazing!
  2. Florida Kilos was one of the tracks I was most excited for and the snippet sounds amazing!! I'm so hyped to hear it in full!
  3. I really liked the snippet and I absolutely adore the full song! Ugh it's wonderful!! Brooklyn Baby > Shades of Cool > Ultraviolence > West Coast tbh, that's how in feeling at the moment anyway!
  4. I've enjoyed all the songs so far, I even enjoy the vocals/mixing or whatever, it's a really cool retro vibe! HOWEVER I in no way want people to think that I think I'm in anyway better than them because I like all the UV songs so far because I do not! Honestly, each to their own! I wish everyone could be a little more civil though! Please don't interpret this is preachy or anything, I'm not good at getting my tone across correctly in english
  5. I've not been dissapointed by any of the album tracks so far! Even the snippet of Brooklyn Baby has me hyped for the full song! I'm so happy that I'm able to enjoy this kind of music, I really think Lana's voice suits these new songs!
  6. She says she's a shy performer but takes refuge in the love her fans show her at her shows, I don't blame her for cancelling tbh! I bet she was so nervous, like it's clear she takes the critical opinions to heart so it may be best for her happiness not to risk a cruel backlash again? That being said, I am sad she won't be appearing, I was really looking forward to it
  7. I'm so excited to hear the studio version, but I definitely agree, I don't want anymore songs to premiere before the album! I've not been able to get this song out of my head since hearing it live so I'm super hyped for tomorrow!!
  8. I went for an early morning walk earlier with my dog and this song came on shuffle and it was raining and I just had to stop and enjoy the atmosphere of everything, it was beautiful
  9. West Coast seems like the obvious choice but maybe Shades of Cool? I'd love it if she sang that!
  10. I've deleted Black Beauty from my phone and iPod, I haven't listened to it since the tracklist was announced just so I can rediscover my love for it when the album comes out! I'm definitely going to listen to the album from start to finish first, then play songs again in various orders like dipping in and out to the ones I want when I want to fully explore the album!
  11. I was SO hoping we would be getting an album with rock vibes when she said she was getting a new sound, I'm so hyped for this album, it just sounds amazing so far!
  12. I guess Violet Princess or Morricone might still be on the album but under a different title? Like the songs could have been renamed as Lana worked on them more?
  13. I definitely hear unfixable and not invincible! Really lovely song, I like these lyrics
  14. I've listened to like three short videos and the song sounds absolutely sublime!! My hype for this album has just gone through the roof!!
  15. http://instagram.com/p/ocjz7sgPDb/ It's only a short segment, still looking for a full video! Omg it sounds AMAZING!
  16. I can't wait to hear this live! I'm sure it will create such a great atmosphere! Great song! Really lovely vocals!
  17. I'm not greedy for new songs, I just don't want Kill Kill to be done on the album because I like the old one but it's nothing special to me is all :/
  18. Praying that Florida Kilos is not Kill Kill! I'm really excited for that song and I'm pretty happy with the AKA version of Kill Kill, I'm just so intrigued by the title that I want to hear what she means by it!
  19. I'm taking this Harmony Korine news as confirmation that Florida Kilos is not Kill Kill? Which is GREAT NEWS! I'm so hyped for this song!!
  20. Lana just posted the preorder for UV, that's final confirmation now so people can stop saying it's just a cover for a single...
  21. I'm way more intrigued by the title Florida Kilos tbh, I don't know why but it just sounds really interesting? Hoping it isn't Kill Kill, I'm hoping for like a tropical rock vibe or something! (Well actually anything but Kill Kill tbh, I like it the way it is on AKA)
  22. Shades of Cool sounds so hip hop, I can't wait to hear what it actually sounds like!
  23. I actually would rather hear Florida Kilos as a new song and not Kill Kill! The title just makes me really curious about the song, so I want to know more about it than rehear a new version of an old song
  24. She didn't put her name on the Ultraviolence billboards either remember? Personally, I like the photo, she looks really pretty! Also, look at all her covers: Born To Die she is centre of the image staring forward with her head straight, same as Paradise, but AKA and Ultraviolence she is stood slightly off centre with her shoulders slanted and her head tilted! This could mean nothing but I thought it was worth noting?
  25. Maybe FMWUTTT doesn't mean as in fame, maybe it means as in like top 'Queen' like she likes to call herself a lot? Or to the top of someone's attentions? It might not mean what it first appears to mean
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