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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. Make a shadow era Meg is the best
  2. My album ranking Ultraviolence Honeymoon AKA BTD Paradise edition(Lana has gave conflicting info to if she considers them two projects) I just see them as one. LFL/Sirens NFR Chemtrails
  3. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    She consistently gave these ice queen stares, I loved it. 2014 and 2017 were peak charli, don’t @ me
  4. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I think it’s more styling than anything, she likes to do her eyebrows,clothes and posing different
  5. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    Drugs? No dude, no mam we take XcX juice here
  6. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    She’s still gorgeous but in a different flamboyant,goofy and down to earth way. she used to be an ice queen.
  7. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    She used to be so sexy, omg miss sucker charlis
  8. Rick is bearly on BtD, that’s an Emile haynie album through and through.
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/presscient/status/1371927425102282754 you all need to read this thread it’s absolutely mental, So Lou tried to do a exorcism on Britney for thinking she’s gay britney takes the piss out of this in the below vid
  10. We’ve already had UV dearie and that was A Very on the nose title.
  11. It seems odd to me how she picked out that one harpaars bazaar article, when there’s reviews talking about her being “the most polarising woman in pop” or the most hated for her comments released a day ago.
  12. The YouTube version of the album is very compressed Christ, poor Tulsa was destroyed
  13. Here for it, I don’t even believe she loves cocc. Hence whys she’s abandoned it so early. she could give us a Tulsa video though Ditch jack, legend
  14. It sounds like a worse version of the hurt cover by Johnny cash to me mojo certainly was interesting in calling it portishead like.
  15. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I mean I’m sure charli likes a lot of stuff I personally would find terrible-in terms of Britney I really don’t think you can compare Ava to her, Blackout and to lesser degrees production wise(ITZ,Circus and the Britney album slightly ) are innovative albums that changed pop music-people are still going on about slave and gimme more-nobody is going to be singing sweet but a psycho in 5 years.
  16. evalionisameme

    Charli XCX

    I’ve honestly never heard a single Ava song in the uk other than that sweet+psycho song , it’s just a bland track that sounds like it could be from any girl group. good pop music is rare to find-especially long lasting pop.
  17. Slow beat laden songs with reverbed breathy female vocals basically is trip hop in itself but it can be pretty experimental. ok maybe The UV is pushing it a bit it’s the combination of the piano,the slow laden guitar licks and that mellotron sound. I disagree I really don’t see cruel world as being that different to a song like do it.
  18. Yes it does-Salvatore,Art Deco,freak,blackest day and religion are trip hop tracks-I’ve listened to portishead and other acts my entire life lmao. psychedelic rock is all over UV-listen to a doors album. the other woman,ultraviolence and shades of cool do have slight elements of jazz.
  19. Eh to an extent this is pure opinion- the only pop leaning albums to me are born to die and lfl- I really don’t even think alt pop is a good descriptor at this point-honeymoon was trip hop(even more so than BTD) and baroque pop, UV was psychedelic rock and blues rock with elements of jazz and Norman is an “indie” folk and pop inspired sound with elements of soft rock.
  20. Leaks have never been particularly harmful to her sales wise- her fans do purchase the music though they leak everything. it’s almost tradition at this point.
  21. I mean I get it, but I cannot even do it on phone-there’s no template? im assuming it’s to stop copyright infringements.
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