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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. I admit the visuals really do enhance the era but the way some of you are acting is as if you don't enjoy the music itself.


    So far we have 3 legendary singles including her BEST song yet.


    I will not tolerate the slander! Imagine if she read the entitled posts here.. slightly disrespectful in my opinion.

    Didnt you complain about lfl lmao? Of course we're entitled we buy her music lmao it doesn't mean she has to listen. 

    What's disrespectful is her lack of care for giving her fans a simple release date over twitter instead of this mess like lfls release date changes. 

  2. Why you people think she is tired of music or anything


    When it comes to her that is not true

    she is not tired of music, or poetry or whatever she does creatively


    she just does not feel the need to share it anymore it seems


    but she surely already has another album almost done (in her head) and posibly with some priests from church basement sessions

    because the quality of her projects have gone down in all aspects since after honeymoon...

  3. oh Lana sweetie if you feel this way then please take a much needed break. I wouldn’t be mad at all if she took a 2-3 year break from music. I honestly feel like we’ve been spoiled with MUSIC releases from her ( not spoiled in recently ). LFL had custom merch, world tour, pop up shops, big budget videos. and then a year and a half later to release a whole new project? she’s done her work. I hope she finds a break soon and comes back fresh. If she’s tired then she needs to stop. I rather her stop then give us half assed work

    Even though lana clearly doesn't care about commercial success I do believe that she knows that in the age of streaming you have to strike while the iron is hot or risk being thrown away forever like what's happening to Katy Perry/most people who debuted in or near 2010 and is trying her best to not be put in that bracket(I mean if you think about it there's not many other artists who have debuted in this decade who I think are going to serve longevity except maybe her).

  4. I really hope after this album campaign is over(as in dropping the album and releasing one video with a tweet) she concentrates on her personal life so she can be more definitive and comprehensive with her work with an actualised vision or concept for visuals and the songs themselves.

    Because she seems to have a big lack of passion for the music industry rn but who knows..

    A part of me does also think though that these bi yearly releases are a way to make sure her fan base doesn't go astray or forget about her in the vein of someone like a Dido or even what I can see happening to Lorde tbh..

  5. it was already a minor hit in Europe,meh-let it go they're not even promoting it on a big show over there to gain traction,drop it and put the next single out

    For instance, my mum is someone who listens to the radio a lot and the other day she came home with 1999 stuck in her head and wouldn’t shut up about charli. It’s just starting to get more and more radio play here. I’m over it too but if the success of one single results in Atlantic having more faith in charli, then you’ll still find me promoting it and streaming it

    it's was already a minor hit on Europe meh let it go they're not even promoting it on a big show over to gain traction,drop it and put the next single out

    Ffs I hate the site on my phone

  6. The thing is that, at this point, we just know she DOES have music done. It's impossible to imagine she shot GOD KNOWS how many music videos for these songs yet they're locked. And I'm talking about Guardian\Voices Carry.


    There's really something "off" about the whole thing.


    I remember years ago somebody saying they heard near the entire album and it sounded like the Knife project.




    Did some detective work and turns out Party 4 U is about Charli's ex Mike Kerr (who is born on June 19) 

    Did they even date?? I keep on hearing this but royal blood are a decently high profile band and I've heard nothing of the two like ever it's just weird.

    I mean I'm pretty sure that she was dating her director boyfriend amid one of the gossip rags saying they were touchy feely lol.

  8. It's not the lack of makeup or the casual clothes... She dressed pretty much the same during the UV era, and before she was famous too. We have so many old pics of her where she's bare faced in jeans and a plain shirt and I think she looked great! I love her glammed up, but she doesn't need to make all that effort all the time... I dress up & put on a full face of makeup just to go to the grocery store, so I know first hand lol, that shit don't take 10 minutes! I think it's that she looks tired and a bit...hazy, I guess. I haven't spotted a single wrinkle (so it's not that she looks "old"), but her face does look a bit bloated most of the time. Maybe it's the cheek fillers, maybe it's something else, idk, but I know other people see it too and it's the kind of thing that can definitely throw you off. I mean compare how her face looks in the Sylvia Plath snippet vs this pic with a fan






    Or how she looked in the British Fashion Awards vs how she looked last year at the Met Gala (where her face was visibly swollen). Maybe it's a health issue, maybe she has allergies or sth...but it's not the lack makeup.

    This-if you ask me I'd say it was due to her filler/botox work being a bit botched as of late and an unflattering hair colour/style along with the clothes...however I do wish everyone would be a bit nicer about lana I mean I've said stuff about her as well ngl but it seems a little bit harsher as of late in regards to her personally idk.

    I think we all need to realise she is just human and imperfect at the end of the day.

  9. Lana looks like she’s come out of rehab when she doesn’t wear makeup.....she goes from a million bucks to looking like heroin addict in debt.

    shsdksjjska don't you think this is a little harsh? she just styles herself very unflatteringly.

  10. Maybe but when I first started following her on social media and stuff she was really only ever seen with Stella and Chuck for years and before then it was usually only that Jaime King girl, all the pictures of her out were really just of usually just one of them with her or her alone. It's only really since like  2017 where you started to see her with different people a lot and now she seems to be with groups of girls regularly.


    Seems like once she got those dancer girls and became friends with the ex? girlfriend of Alex Turner she met more people and now has a bigger group of people to hang out with. But I guess we don't really know.

    eugh it can be more worrying with bigger groups tbh, more snakes in the garden so to speak!

  11. It's not something I like to talk or think about, but I know from someone who worked with her (albeit very briefly) in 2016 that she was using back then, and it would sadly explain a lot if she still is. I might not know her, and I'm not blind to her numerous faults, but god I love this girl, and it breaks my heart that she's still doing stupid shit. She deserves so much better. She deserves to be healthy & happy. And clearly she's not right now -hasn't been for a long time.

    Is anyone surprised? I mean she has looked a bit off for awhile now and she's trying to compensate for it with fillers and botox but it's just making the problem worse.


    I really hope she can bounce back though I don't want her to become another Kurt or Amy etc.

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