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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. Kinda unfair. 

    She is still playing with visuals, this time around playing with low quality videos, as if she was a singer out of a 8 mm film. It fits the sound of NFR. True, it is not as stunning as some previous eras, but it is still fitting the sound of the album. Plus NFR also has some strong intimate vibes and the atmosphere of VB fits that perfectly (MAc's video is not as strong as VB's, IMO). 

    And let's not forget one thing: with LFL, she worked with Rick, who is LA-based, and she hired a big shot for her videos (Rich Lee), which means that recording and mixing was easier and she had to schedule the video part of promo. With NFR, it's the opposite: she is working with a NY-based producer (which means that the recording and producing work will be longer) and has her sister doing the visuals. So the videos are "easier" to make, especially if they are "homemade". To have both (a producer not based in LA and a big shot video guy), it would mean at least a 2-year period between albums, to coordinate the whole thing. And we know how patient we are...  :hooker:

    Sorry but this isn't entirely true, there are multiple people she could hire immediately and she wouldn't even have to look outside the box.Like she could literally just hire someone like wool kid who's she actually worked with but her lack of visually captivating fashion sense does play a big part in her recent visual decline so it's to be expected.

  2. Ergh I'm not really digging her vibe atm, she seems a little too into herself music wise that soon she won't be able to improve which should be the goal but won't happen with the constant self boasting and she's contradicting herself with a lot of these recent twitter statements-like charli we just want an actual era you can call it a mixtape if you want...but atleast she's happy and I can't blame her for the album mess after her fans ruined a whole year for her.

  3. It sounds like you’ve forgotten how the music industry works these days when you’re not making mumble rap over a beat (even tho she kinda did that too hihi 5ITM) she’s happy probably because this is her TICKET to releasing an album. Stream 1999

    This is all very true, although I think a lot of you are forgetting that her asking her fans to stream it every day will only do so much-she has a dedicated fan base but Atlantic need to be booking bigger promo spots because she clearly wants this to be a hit.

  4. Didn't anybody else think she was overreacting a bit to the top 20??like I'm glad for her but she's acting like it's all that matters, but if she really wants to push the song she should be doing more promo in the UK like x factor and bigger shows although this ultimately comes down to Atlantic and how much it will invest.

  5. lana looks fucking stupid with the eyelash extensions 

    they're too heavy and don't even suit her eyes who the fuck thought

    she looks older without them, tbh they really suit her in my opinion it makes her eyes pop.

    I can agree they look really dodgyily done sometimes though.


    I don't even like rita and like you lot even though I live in the UK I assumed she was a massive flop(she has no artistic integrity either really) but I looked it up and she has like 8 no1 singles so commercial success isn't a factor here-rita is chart gold when it comes to the UK whereas charli isn't in either market.

    Watching old interviews (Sucker era) and Rita Ora really puts everything into perspective ahah


    Charli saying how when recording Sucker, Rita wanted Doing It for herself and her 2nd album.


    Since that interview we have had Sucker, Vroom Vroom, Number 1 Angel, Pop 2, endless collabs and now potentially XCX3!


    Since that interview Rita Ora fans have had 3 singles and now her second album is finally being released.


    Moral of the story - Rita wanted to snatch Charli's last top 10 hit (and it's likely we would've never heard Rita's version) and Charli is too good to us! So much material since Sucker.



    I wouldn't be mad, after 2 mixtapes and a couple of PC singles (as well as the leaks) I'm ready for some mainstream pop Charli.

    I don't even like rita and like you lot even thougglh I live in the UK I assumed she was a massive flop(she has no artistic integrity either really) but I looked it up and she has like 8 no1 singles so commercial success isn't a factor here-rita is chart gold when it comes to the UK whereas charli isn't in either market.

    Ffs I'm done with my phone today, idc anymore try to make some coherence out of the mess above.

  7. You dont have to say something phenomenally deep to transfer the emotion to the listener sweetie...

    How is it deep though? its just a basic acoustic guitar melody and overlong guitar solo while she sounds like she's falling asleep from her medication so over compensates with the reverb settings on her mic.Venice Bitch is so overhyped to me I really don't get it, I mean the lyrics are relatively banal with them not covering any new ground which atleast lfls album did and they're not even at the peak of her lyricism or melody that lanas folk inclinations have displayed to us.

  8. I don't care about charts usually but I really want her to go no.1 with this so she'll never have to sing boom crap again which didn't actually even peak in the top 3 in the UK. Hopefully if she achieves success with this she'll have a decent song that she's mandated to sing instead of that and we'll get an album and her shitty contract will be up.

  9. omg this is insane.. instead of us telling our friends charli is "the girl that sings boom clap" it'll be 1999 :defeated:

    nah she has tons of songs ahead, her highest here is I love it and most don't even know she sings on it so her only memorable songs to the gp here are I love it,Fancy and maybe boom clap and Id say doing it/break the rules too but I bet if you played it to anyone they'd of forgotten it even existed.

  10. Most people who are ultra supportive of Sky nowadays are ones who started liking her after her debut album or so.


    Most people who had to wait for her debut album for ~years~ know how annoying it was to support an artist who pretended shit was coming all the time. It's not just annoying, it's exhausting.


    Saying Sky doesn't owe us music is the same as going to a restaurant and find no food because the cook doesn't "owe" us food. LOL.


    Obviously she "owes" us something. If it wasn't for the fans who had supported her all the way through hell in 2009/2010/2011/2012, she wouldn't have gotten half of where she is nowadays.


    If her album was #1 on iTunes the day it came out, it's because of the fans. If we know a lot about her music and her life and her delays, it's because we're fans. She should just keep her mouth shut and release something out of nowhere instead of saying things are coming the next season – when this next season seems to never come. It's just disrespectful and a reason to mock her at this point.

    I wouldn't even mind if she said she was going on an indefinate hiatus but if she wants people to buy the record she should stop lying for once, we all know it isn't the label.

  11. Guys the album is taking so long because she has to sing every song a word a month for additional impact,don't you know the strenuous effort it takes for those high NOTES it takes all the energy out of her - honestly so ungrateful!

  12. OMG Troye let her perform!! What the hell was that with him holding her back????? She was clearly uncomfortable and trying to act cool. That was so stupid of him, just like he was trying to say "calm down this is my time to shine" argh. So childish.

    Didn't he chuck a fans flowers away? Seems like another diva in the vein of areola

  13. It's actually a real picture of Marilyn. It's so strange because britney and marilyn have always been two of my favourite celebrities ever, i weirdly gravitated towards both of them and they look shockingly similar. I have a theory they're the same person reincarnated or hollywood has been using the same DNA to create another type of star with ridiculous amount of charisma to dominate the world but who knows

    Both have had very tragic circumstances happen to them aswell although britney survived thankfully for her.
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