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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. Nahh, they're one of the great bands of our time IMO! It’s not their fault that loads of teenage girls can’t control themselves over them. :toofunny: I mean yeah, from the outside, it’s not a great look or whatever... the crazed teenage fangirl thing is cringey/annoying, but that doesn’t detract from the quality of what they’re doing as a band and as musicians/artists. I certainly don’t let it.

    It’d be interesting to hear Matty and Charli trade off... It’s hard to imagine what it’d sound like tbh.

    Its all opinion but I think their sound and look is pretty generic to me, tbh there's so many more unique bands out there that I often wonder if they succeeded due to payola from his rich actress mom lol.

  2. not to play doctor but i feel like she has a vocal hemorrhage from overworking and partying! I remember when she got laryngitis last year and I think she literally had barely a week's rest and she was back to partying and working, after that her voice was never the same she rlly needs to see a vocal coach I get sad thinking about her singing voice I rlly do miss the beautiful vocals from TR era

    she had problems with it back then though, she lip synced the hell out of what I like because of her drug usage and partying I mean the only era she hasn't lip synced is through sucker really and it fluctuated so much she really just needs 7-10 hours sleep and to stop drinking so much and partying but this is charli and health is not her priority, fun is so expect it to get worse..


    on a side note, i see what y'all mean about her haircut -- bring back the long hair pls miss xbox  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

    its the fringe and the fact her hair is brushed back, its really unflattering because she has a round face so it makes it stand out more she's gorgeous and could rock a Bob.However, I'm not here for the fringe she has a great forehead I don't understand the point of it if she likes it though guess its all that matters.

  4. I think this will be lanas worst album I'm feeling disconnected to every song with only happiness and how to dissappear giving me some faith in the project, although I loved white mustang based on the snippet and when I listened to the full I hated it and loved summer bummer which I hated based on the snippet so I'm gonna wait until the album comes out to judge.

  5. Die Tonight is THE worst no discussion needed

    die tonight is a good party banger I said it,the worst of the lot are boom clap,outta my head and red balloon.

    Also atap and boys are garbage aswell

  6. Remember when someone revealed that titanic sinclair used to be a gay porn star or smth lmfao I wonder if poppy or Mars ago knew how desperately he needed those coins.

  7. i thought her hair looked impeccable at the Freak premiere, but if we're talking about her weird floral dress on that one red carpet hair...no that aged her a good 5 years, didn't help she went off will the fillers at the same time


    like you wouldn't think this was from 2016, you'd think it from 2012 or sumn


    2016%2F02%2F10%2Fa2%2Flanafreak.67aec.jpi meant STRIPED dress..her wavy let down hair was a look




    it's probably the bangs that made her face much more round than it was, but I still despise this hair to the absolute max


    plus her blonde stint was cute and gave us this glory



    I loved the side bangs lmao especially in comparison to her weird middle part Bob she has now but I guess it's all perspective.

  8. Yes, I've acknowledged that, sorry if I didn't made myself clear. You're 100% correct but I can't help but feel pity. I'm stupid af to believe everyone's born good and I haven't got the slightest idea of what she lived so. Concerning not taking the medication thing, I'm doing the same and I hate it, I didn't took my meds with me coming abroad for 4 months and I regret it every day but at the time I was like I want to learn to do it by myself and become stronger and I want people to see me for who I am, it's complete bs dgmw but maybe it's what she's thinking as well sigh. I always say it explains it doesn't excuses

    Dw I wasn't coming for you or anything, sorry if it seemed like it and I get the whole medication thing I do there's so many alternatives but the problem for me was that Azealia really can't afford to try other things.Her mental state is too far gone to consider an alternative, but I hope for her sake she gets better soon and realises the consequences of her actions.

  9. I've researched it but couldn't find anything precise sorry, I apologise since I know it's none of my business but do we know what she is suffering from? I'm trying to determine if she has the same things than me. Cause she makes me feel better about my own issues in a very sad way. And the fact that she already acknowledged herself having some mental health problems is at the least concerning bc if it's neurosis and not psychosis and she's making the active conscious choice, detached from any other factor, of not looking for help... Idk yes she's being vile and yes Lana is my favourite person in the world and she did from what I understood nothing wrong and I will always support her all claws out but I'm honestly aching for Azealia, if this kind of behaviour is detached from her true personality and exacerbated by a disease, been through that and it sucks. I wish both the best and even though at first I was hysterical at Lana's tweets and I still think it's not cringe-worthy I'm just sad it ended up this way and it's not funny anymore.

    I can sympathise with people that have mental health issues, as obviously the majority of modern civilisation do but it's her own fault she's not taking her medication which she admitted I'm pretty sure and correct me if I'm wrong but you still have free will even if you are bipolar like Azealia claims and I know several bipolar people who have never tried to incite racial hatred like this coward.Shes just a hateful person looking for attention I wouldn't give her any sympathy she brought it on herself.

  10. Lmao ikr. Everyone keeps painting Atlantic as the bad guys, “we want a hit!!!111”, without any evidence. Charli’s on pretty good terms with them, and I doubt that anyone is stupid enough to assume that she’s going to have a hit record anytime soon. Angels’ fanfiction is the worsttttt

    Labels put money into songs to make a profit its simple or otherwise they wouldn't of put Troye on the song to boost its commercial appeal.Of course they expect this to be a hit otherwise it wouldn't of gone through multiple production stages which isn't cheap for it just to be thrown out there for the fans Atlantic aren't dumb they knew it had a similarity to a similarly released hit single(2002) and decided to capitilise on it.

    Also the fact that this is supposedly her biggest budget video since boys judging on the imagery cements this.

  11. I would say that 1999 is dancehall, people are saying it sounds PC because of the drums which is understandable because it's very similar to how AG did it on most of N1A

    Sorry this doesn't fit in with the tropical flavored pop at all sounds more akin to crazy frog even there's nothing like this on the charts atm.

    Except maybe hints of 2002.

  12. What's the source for this? Did I miss something?


    She also said it isn't very common for her to release songs she didn't write but the video idea for Boys jumped out at her on first listen (I think this was on the "and the songwriter is" podcast.) She later said she doesn't view singing songs she didn't write as a blow to her artistry because it takes talent to deliver the song, but there's also the fact that at end of the day, she still has her songwriting, and a one off hype single doesn't make her defunct. It sounds like you're trying to paint her as a fraud or something, & this is the wrong thread for that. 

    Its well known that there were many songs pitched to charli after atap flopping, I don't see how I'm making her seem like a fraud-our boyfriend,run for your money and all the others were written near the same time and I'm pretty sure others like Bloomforyou can back this up and the writing comments were made in the midst of sucker and true romance so if she didn't write some of the songs on sucker which I didn't know about it makes her comments about people sending her dumb songs (which she hated as as she wanted to write her songs) about "her body being on fire" after the success of boom clap even more ironic but maybe she grew past the songwriting elitism and values different aspects of a song who knows.

    We all know she's talented anyway so I hope 1999 leads to a great album.

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