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Chris Cuomo

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Everything posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. Nothing excpt more ppl bein annoying abt the fact they have yail or know something
  2. Chris Cuomo

    Dua Lipa

    To me it's better than anything she's released in the past 4 months lmao
  3. I love Million Dollar Man, it's one of my favorite tracks on the album. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xof6sy_lana-del-rey-million-dollar-man-le-grand-journal_music Any performance of this song is always so endearing; it just lends itself to be raw and emotional. Her scatting live is to die for, too.
  4. I think Hollywood and AFFA are the best from the 'untouchable 5' batch, in fact, Hollywood is probably in her top #10 for me. Personally though I would not enjoy an album of songs like JFK and Starry Eyed. They're cute tracks but the production is rather simple, they're pretty songs and not much else. She can do much better...
  5. Chris Cuomo

    Kali Uchis

    I literally stopped caring about her music so quickly lmao Still hoping she serves on this album though
  6. ugh who said they're pushing it bCk Like are all of you insiders where is this information coming from I can't even keep track
  7. Blue Jeans is such a dynamic song. I used to hate it but now I absolutely adore it. The refrain is just so powerful and ethereal, it's like a wave of emotions hitting me every time I listen to it. The urgency in her voice is beautiful.
  8. The only people who have it are Eclipse and his rats they're not gonna leak it
  9. Okay but "I love your ultraviolent swing" also @Trash Magic predicting The Other Woman
  10. I wonder if they're going to use the shoot she did with Nicole last year for the album's promo campaign. It honestly feels to me like they've had this era finished for a long time they've just been waiting for an opportune time to release It worries me ... if Lana had the single finished by May of 2016 (going by when the casting call went up for the video) that's only a measly 8 months after Honeymoon, and the song itself is probably from the batch she recorded in January. It doesn't seem organic to me. Perhaps it is, but I feel like the girl needs to give herself time to enjoy life and find inspiration. It's all reflected in the work, and Honeymoon was not inspired. This is why I would not be upset if we didn't see an album out till late 2017, early 2018 tbh
  11. Thx to everyone who has kept it civil
  12. The irony though lmao While I understand that all of you are coming from a good place of concern for those who are underprivileged and do not have a voice, you're letting this fact blindside you. . You may not agree with my opinion but it doesn't give you the right to lash out with rude remarks, or call me racist, stupid, etc. Without realizing it, you are guilty of making the same kind of damaging stereotypes and harsh generalizations you so love to accuse the right of doing. It's come to a point where stating facts, literal facts, can be deemed as racist if they paint a picture that isn't congruent with the oversimplified, and bubble wrapped fantasy world of liberals. 9/11, for all things concerned, was a Jihadist influenced terrorist attack. Yet saying this ticks some of you because "Islamophobia" and "colorism". Please, give me a break. Obviously racism exists in many places around the world but our society on the whole has made great strides in the advancement of people of colour. Again, not saying the issue of racism doesn't still exist, but it does not exist on the scale in which you guys are trying to say it does, not anymore. When you give someone leeway or special treatment for being opressed, you consequently put them above others, which is potentially very harmful because then you get this off branch, Marxist like kind of leftism that stifles discussion, but of course, all in the name of equality... It isn't equal. The people who want Trump to put a temporary ban on Muslims coming into the U.S. aren't scared of them because of their skin colour, they're scared of something that has killed thousands, if not millions, and I'm sorry, but when did the KKK affect anyone but Americans? Terrorism is a global issue. Something you all seem to forget. Anyways, here I am, sitting with my Syrian friend on her couch, sharing a bag of Lays potato chips. Later we're gonna get shit faced.
  13. I never really said white terrorism doesn't exist but the fact of the matter is that ISIS isn't run by a bunch of white people lol, they just aren't comparable. Jihad, ISIS, these are real and dangerous things. Much more dangerous than the KKK or white people who shoot up schools. I agree it is unfair the way many Muslims are treated, but all I am saying is the suspicion is justified. Lol. My Muslim friends feel the same way I do. I don't really care to discuss this anymore because you people clearly don't understand that not everything is offensive. Isn't being gay illegal in the middle East? Lol You all just desire to be good people so bad because you're too bored with your silly lives and that's the T on that.
  14. Answer me this: What does slavery have to do with the issue of Islam? The answer: Nothing
  15. Ah yes, the millenials know a lot.
  16. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware slavery was still going on in America. You guys bring up the immigration thing and when someone addresses the threat of Islam, all you can do is go on about slavery. Where is the connection lol
  17. I get it. My race enslaved people. Can we move on already?
  18. It really isn't. I'm just stating that the two aren't comparable whatsoever. Stop being offended by everything.
  19. None of you are using the logic and smarts you think you are. You have to have no brains to think the kkk and isolated acts of terrorism by white people equate to the large scale threat Islam has been causing the USA, and the whole fucking world. And you're willing to subject yourselves to more potential risks because you don't want to hurt the, what, feelings of immigrants who might not be dangerous? There is a reason airport security is the way it is. How come ya'll aren't calling that racist? Lol Defending Islam is as stupid as saying "not all men are rapists" LOL,and i don't even think we live in a rape culture.
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