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Everything posted by latothemoon

  1. This lady is so cute lol https://twitter.com/lisadonn2/status/888443865799294976
  2. This is why Lana hates him https://twitter.com/sarahmonline/status/888554503779135489
  3. Love - 4 13 Beaches - 17 Cherry - 20 White Mustang - 2 In My Feelings - 37 God Bless America - And All the Beautiful Women In It - 54 Beautiful People Beautiful Problems (ft. Stevie Nicks) - 29 Tomorrow Never Came (ft. SEAN ONO LENNON) - 23 Heroin - 21 Change - 3 Get Free- 30
  4. "What up Tyler! Just letting you know that my album is blocking yours from going #1 sorry boo xo"
  5. 1. Lust for Life 2. Ultraviolence 3. Born to Die 4. Honeymoon 5. Paradise
  6. The Recording Academy is probably gonna fuck up and again and snub Lana while nominating Ed Shitstain & other boring shit for everything
  7. I hope she gets her score up to 90 when all the reviews come in. I didn't even expect this many rave reviews, wig flew
  8. Lmaoo someone on IG said they're scared of Tyler blocking Lana's #1 on Billboard. The only people who have ever blocked Lana from getting #1 are Adele and Drake
  9. LFL is number #1 in like 58 countries, that's over 1/4 of the countries in the world holy shit what an international icon
  10. How am I supposed to sleep when Lana just released AOTY
  11. Get Free is her best album closer ever. She couldn't have chosen a better song to close the album with
  12. Stevie Legend Nicks killed it I'm sorry you guys are tasteless
  13. How dare you Beautiful People cleared my skin and mind
  14. Well, this thread was gonna be made soon enough. It's finally out! What's your favorite track?
  15. Stevie and Sean added so much to the those songs. The other collabs were unnecessary no offense
  16. It's crazy how Lana is so successful in practically every part of the world, Africa, Guatemala, Mongolia, Bulgaria, everywhere. Fucking insane
  17. She's probably headlining Lollapalooza Brazil 2018
  18. I think I'm the only one on this site that hasn't listened yet lmao
  19. For my first listen tomorrow night I'm gonna get myself a drink on my couch, my laptop in front of me, and blast that shit while crying
  20. According to Bandsintown, these people are opening for Lana in London
  21. https://twitter.com/hits93toronto/status/887706872064692226
  22. Major music magazine outlets usually get to listen to the album early to review it before it's out I believe
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