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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. Psychedelic Pussy


    any other chill songs aside from sick of the sun?
  2. Psychedelic Pussy


    Thankyou! Hyped to listen to it when it drops here!
  3. I think the idea to release it as an audio book type thing is genius, especially if it goes live on all streaming services. That way it’s definitely going to reach a majority of her fan base where as if she dropped it as just a book I think it would be more niche. And I think there’s something special about hearing her voice reading out her poetry, like there’s an appeal to that. Tbh it’s like we’re getting a new album out of the blue, just without the instrumentation. I’m hyped
  4. Psychedelic Pussy


    please tell me sick of the sun is chill all the way through like the snippet is, I’m really not into the whole heavy metal thing
  5. Girl you are gonna look so good in that dress! You better post pics all over here when it arrives!
  6. Y’all know what I ain’t gonna sit here and act like I know all the ins and outs of global politics but I was just trying to exemplify that there is a lot of fucking evil in the world, it ain’t just in the US. Truly, right now we are living in some horrible, dark times and I’m not at all trying to minimise anyone’s points made about how fucked up the US’ history of disgusting human rights abuses left and right is, never mind the current situation w/ US & Iran and the threat that poses not only to the US but to global peacekeeping as well Also @ bob, ‘girl’ was meant as a friendly term but ya know
  7. Okay I’m not about to defend deranged Donald Trump or any of this but that comment is so out of line, like girl do you know what the fuck is going on in China? All the internet & information controlled by the communist party, no one knows whats actually going on outside China because they’re being fed propaganda 24-7; take what’s happening in Hong Kong for example, the ONLY news Chinese people get about their countless months of protests for democracy is cherry-picked images of lone protestors throwing Molotov cocktails or something and then that is used to frame the entirety of the movement in Hong Kong as the complete opposite. And what about the Uighur people? China is literally running concentration camps like the Nazis did and torturing, raping and sterilising Chinese muslims. I could literally say so much more about the political situation in China but just to summarise, there are a lot of other MAJOR despicably evil regimes in the world today that in my opinion are severely worse than the current US situation and this is just one example. *okay yeah nah “severely worse” was probably the least fitting way to end this post, apologies- but definitely similar in how sinister and despicable some other global political situations are to the US/Iran crisis atm
  8. Some people on this website really are unhinged,,
  9. I better say my goodbyes to all u Americans now bc y’all bout to get conscripted
  10. I hope there are some poems in the spoken word thing that we haven’t heard yet, but more importantly I hope some really good producers out there remix the fuck out of them or sample them and create some really dope shit
  11. Well girl you better start running cause I got 911 on speed dial! Xx
  12. why can’t people just dump a file on some site anonymously and be like “oop I found this!” Why there gotta be like a dozen posts of “I am leaking this song oh my gosh haha remember me if/when I go to prison! rawr xD”
  13. I’m sure she said once in an interview that she would love a pet cat, and asked what she would call it she said “probably just kitty” or something like that. I think it might’ve been when she visited those sick children but I’m not sure
  14. whoever it was is CLEARLY doing God’s work, and that’s that on that Jokes aside tho I hope it gets returned! (after it leaks)
  15. This is embarrassing and you should feel ashamed. We don’t need trash like you dirtying up our PURE Lanaboards. May god have mercy on your soul, amen! Now sistren, join hands and pray,,,
  16. Well it isn’t horrible but I skipped through most of it, most likely never going to watch it again and now I feel an uncontrollable urge to go smash all of Chuck’s filming equipment and tell her she needs to give up on being a director, it’s just not realistic
  17. I’m all for her just speaking her poetry, but if she does it over some really smooth ambient tracks I would be... deceased When it leaks someone should upload it to dbree but with circus music playing in the background just to fuck with everyone
  18. ill take home-made visuals for NFR/Bartender/HIAB over no visuals for them ANY day. lets just be happy for what we're getting! Although imagine if she did another film like Freak..... I still watch the underwater Clair de Lune part all the time, absolutely stunning. But i'm sure she has more big-budget visuals on the way for NFR.
  19. imagine being angry at JACK ANTONOFF’s production.......... like have you not HEARD the title track, Cinnamon girl, FIILY, Venice, Mariners and The Greatest? Like... some of y’all don’t deserve ears if you’re going to waste them like this
  20. so glad we’re finally getting the triple MV, and that she was spotted filming stuff the other day, I love her music videos so much
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