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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. IDC about the ashes guy I’m glad Charli signed his dead mom, my beef is with the douche guy. Literally disgusting. It’s the equivalent to handing someone a piece of used toilet paper and being like “can u sign this omg?” also Lowkey now I’m worried about ever going to a Charli show because I don’t want some stuck up gays to piss on my leg..........
  2. no I was just generalising some of the responses I’ve seen on Twitter lol
  3. Literally one gay person does something disgusting and the straights are like “fuck gay people!”
  4. the album isn't even out yet and im sitting here impatiently waiting for someone to do a remix of fallen alien where the "I feel the lightning blast" bit just loops for like 2 minutes............
  5. a guy apparently got Charli to sign his enema bottle, and another guy (not sure if its that same guy or a different guy tbh) got her to sign his mother's ashes.
  6. glad that she's dragging him via twitter statuses but for real.. where is the lawsuit? drag this guy by his fucking hair, literally such a disgusting, putrid, inappropriate, tasteless, sickening thing to do. I hope this guy gets some serious bad karma coming his way for not only subjecting Charli to something so foul, but then to use it as a way to seek attention online. absolutely PATHETIC. still cant even wrap my head around how people like that even exist. like. Where the FUCK is god when you need him
  7. sad that she didn't mention the enema bottle and say "but the jokes on him bc that's sexual harassment and im taking his Twink ass to court!"
  8. loving the album so far, not all of the songs have clicked w me yet, but im living for fallen alien. Just wish she'd done more with that "I feel the lightning blast" part, would've been awesome to hear that looped during the outro
  9. would love to see Charli press sexual harassment charges against that guy. what he did is not okay, not normal or funny, just absolutely disgusting. that grown ass man needs a fucking wake up call.
  10. sadly I did just skim it and honestly? I want to pour bleach in my eyes. x no but for real yeah there are a bunch of production """flaws""" in UV but who actually cares? literally every album ever has production flaws if you listen *so* closely, and it depends on what you consider a production flaw. hearing breaths between vocals or hearing white noise doesn't make it an objective flaw. everything about music is subjective. but anyway my point still stands, UV is a flawless album and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to find god. AMEN!
  11. UV?? Flaws??? hunnnyyyyyy.... we must be listening to two different records. ultraviolence, the 2014 criminally underrated, incredible, flawless album by ms Lana Del Rey? there is not a single track, or even a single moment on that album that is bad. zero production flaws. literally ... magnum opus !
  12. leak the record before I murder @@Cinnamongurl for posting italic and centred
  13. this album might actually be better than LP1...... I'm so shook
  14. wow.. this song actually goes OFF to think, Love + Fear could've actually been pop album of the century... how are the outtakes/demos so much better than the final product? Like? what the fuck I actually like Love+Fear but this, cruel rule and the art of letting go are literally better than most of that album.....
  15. Ive always been kind of meh about what she does to her face, I know she looks a bit different now but it’s still Lana and I’m happy if she’s happy doing whatever she wants to do, but wow that side-by-side kinda got me shook.......
  16. Psychedelic Pussy


    does the outro of So Heavy sample Skin? from about 4:55 I swear it samples Skin. either way, phenomenal... just phenomenal her best album
  17. Psychedelic Pussy


    if u found the NFR leak... u will find this x thats all im saying. if u don't know how to use google u are beyond help
  18. Psychedelic Pussy


    why are people dragging this? im listening and honestly it feels like the Grimes I know and love but deeper into her own unique style. the final better have more than 9 tracks tho like wtf is this where is WAP & Violence? so heavy & new gods got me on a different kind of fkd up
  19. Psychedelic Pussy


    edit: about to listen this better be fucking DECENT
  20. I can't believe its been 2 months since release and everything still sounds so fresh and enjoyable. Tbh im sure by this time after HM & LFL's releases I was barely listening to them (bc why listen to them when UV exists.......literally why do anything when you could be listening to UV) , but this album is so carefree and easy to chill out to
  21. What are the other leaked songs? Listened to The Art of Letting Go and was blown away, how is this song better than 90% of L+F... wheewwwww
  22. why does he look like he’s caught in a perpetual acid trip
  23. Whew the setlist tonight actually sounds insane. I wish I was there ugh
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