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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. Listened again at a louder volume and it DOES sound like it’ll be a good song Still don’t have much of an opinion yet, hope the full song drops today/soon
  2. ,,,,,,,, where is the full song i can’t even tell what lana says in that trailer Omg when the trailer started and the Janelle song was playing I literally was like “where’s my clown suit?”
  3. If they drop an MV for this too and Lana serves up glam this song might actually kill me
  4. I hope it’s a good song but I REALLY hope the good sis Lana SERVES on this song. It’s gonna get her some damn good coin either way but I hope it smashes
  5. Ok but the production of HTD (or at least what I can make out from the livestream and all the talking going on over it) sounds..... fucking heavenly? I’m so ready for this album to fuck me up
  6. Yeah those two folk songs she can fucking keep sorry not sorry I DO wanna hear bartender on this album tho and please god 4-6 tracks we haven’t heard anything of yet
  7. If it comes 16th August we’re basically one month (and a bit) away,,,, wig
  8. Please god, don’t let this be true I’d literally prefer the pic of her sitting in the dirt under the blue sky than this
  9. Some of the lyrics of HIAB and the melodies are kinda weak but the “Hollywood and vine” part is so good. I have faith that she can pull off an amazing album with NFR... just PLEASE pull thru with good visuals again.....please
  10. So the song is gonna drop with the trailer for the movie..... I’m so excited wtf? I hope it’s a good song
  11. Cinnamon has lyrics abt drugs sis! I’m not necessary saying I want songs about that stuff, but if she can serve up really dark lyricism and sad songs I’ll be so happy (Totally down for a Florida kilos 2.0 tho)
  12. I really hope NFR serves us some insanely dark songs,,,, remember when she said the album was on “some sad girl shit” I really hope we get tracks that return to some of the lyricism from UV. Ughhhh scalp me Lana I know you won’t let us down, every song we’ve heard so far has literally been so gorgeous. Wow I actually feel so revitalised after her saying the album is 2 months away. I’m READY
  13. So glad I was a reasonable human and didn’t fork out thousands of dollars to fly to Ireland and camp out for days so I could get front row for the 23rd time! Unlike some people xo I honestly don’t think I would’ve survived the absolute cringe-fest of Lana pinching noodle boy’s cheeks and telling the crowd he’s her fave.
  14. Ok confirmation we are ~60 days from album release is pretty fuckin good. That means new single, album cover, tracklist must be right around the corner ughhhh so excited
  15. Noodle boy dyed his hair black so we couldn’t call him noodle boy, or so he thought.......
  16. I hope charli’s seen it, saves the screenshots and drags AB in a savage twitter post. Honestly Azealia banks literally needs to check into a psychiatric facility and some of y’all are out here feeding into all the shit she says and giving her a platform, she doesn’t deserve to have a single person reading her damn posts, doesn’t deserve a single god damn follower on any social media. The woman has legitimate mental health issues and is a danger to the KULTURE
  17. If y’all girlies going to the Dublin show don’t get us some info or a live performance of a new song(s) im gonna be so emo. There’s literally like half of lanaboards going to this lmao. Do what u must, sisters
  18. NFR is coming tomorrow if we all truly believe. Non-believers will perish in the flames of Yosemite
  19. Isn’t our lord and saviour Queen Elle going to this show? Girl if she doesn’t get a posse together and conduct a full interview with Lana..... lmao, kidding but fr if any of y’all get the chance to get something out of her don’t waste it, even if you just chant “Norman Fucking Rockwell” in the crowd til she says something, we are that desperate 4 news rn lmao
  20. I wish I could go to this so badly ughh make sure y’all take pics with her and grill her about the album, we need info! Hope she sings a NFR song in full (not VB/MAC/Hope, something new)
  21. Not anywhere near as cringey as that one blonde chick she hangs out with who always looks so excited when paparazzi are snapping pics of lana outside Hillsong
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