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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. I just can’t get over how youthful, skinny, gorgeous and happy she looks lately. It’s blowing my mind I’ve said it before but it’s really 2012 Lana
  2. “Ur antisemitic cause u called me a Zionist” girl that’s so tired. Find smth original !
  3. like you can’t tell me she doesn’t look exactly like she did in 2012 here this is insane. Like wtf happened?!? All of a sudden she looks younger than ever omg
  4. Really mindblowing how in some photos this could so easily be mistaken for 2012 Lana. Just wow
  5. She needs to go back to the simplicity of her first two albums imo, the edgy sound of this & self-titled (and parts of masseduction Altho that slayed!) is tiredddd
  6. I haven’t enjoyed a SV album in so long- but Strange Mercy is still one of my all time fave records. I’ll give this a listen later i did listen to the Sophie song though and I did think it was distasteful. The lyrics are a bit odd, talking about the details of her death, when she didn’t know her personally at all, and the delivery & production makes the whole song just very jarring and weird. It could’ve worked as an emotional ballad but she went a very strange route with the song which makes it come across more distasteful imo
  7. this just made me realise I have never been in a church lmfao
  8. Ok but why r we watching this.. why is there a bunch of instruments behind him? I s2g if she doesn’t show up to sing and I just end up wasting my time watching this homophobic hipster pastor…
  9. After lasso I’m gonna need a BTD pt 2.. bring back the opulent Emile haynie production and glamorous lyrics mama
  10. Yeah Camila is (was? Idfk) a shit person but I luv it is a bop, the stage presence was phenomenal too. I can’t lie it fking aaateeeee anyway I didn’t watch the whole show, just fast forwarded my way through it and I was soooo surprised- Lana RADIATED confidence and her vocals were on point through the whole show compared to week one.
  11. Psychedelic Pussy

    Taylor Swift

    Actually yes I am
  12. Psychedelic Pussy

    Taylor Swift

    Girl keep going it is what it is this pussy has seen and done it all
  13. Psychedelic Pussy

    Taylor Swift

    oh my Stan’s are more dedicated than Taylor’s I love to see it. Psychedelic Pussy supremacy wbk!
  14. Psychedelic Pussy

    Taylor Swift

    Girl be so fr Lana would never do a double album .. don’t project on me u bitter Tayhag stan! user was wanted for this post. please do not come on a thread being hateful. You can disagree and not like someone all you want but do it respectfully
  15. Psychedelic Pussy

    Taylor Swift

    31 tracks oh this bitch is just a capitalist pig
  16. fractured rib? Girl stay at the back of the pit.. you are GONNA get hurt
  17. I’m gonna need her to take a note out of Gaylor Shit’s book and follow up Lasso real quickly with another album…. i know Lana keeps us fed but these drawn out pre-releases truly make me want to kill myself
  18. “Has Anyone Else Died For You?” Would be an INCREDIBLE song title I cannot lie. It’s just so powerful
  19. taylor at coachella week 2 and/or tiktok poet department deluxe with Lana
  20. the stylist yanking her hair to get her to stop vaping…
  21. channeling her rn to clear my pussy chakras
  22. Psychedelic Pussy

    Taylor Swift

    is the album good or are u guys just delusional Taylor stans be honest
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