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Posts posted by LanaBoi

  1. putting a positive spin on this era to avert meltdown Norman Fucking Rockwell is free therapy.  This album has introduced me to my shadow side and my inner saboteur all in one swoop, then I've been forced to confront both, and come to terms with a life of no peace, no resolution, no reconciliation.  But I am still alive... we all are, i think.  somehow, we survive.

    i've started dreaming in only the colors violet, blue, green, and red.  Lana came to me in a vision, slapped me across the face, and hissed "i'm never releasing it" and cackled for what felt like hours.. all of a sudden i was face to face with my doppelganger.. but her hair was longer, her lips had been injected with silicone, she was wearing yoga pants and sipping matcha.. was i? could it be? i looked at myself as Lana Del Rey, leaned in to my own ear, and whispered "i'm your man" -- then i woke in a cold sweat.

    this era has made me stronger than ever.  i have faced the void, pure meaninglessness and swirling entropy, and come out the other side. i still drag myself to my computer each day to sob while reading Lana boards.  i have to get a new computer from the water damage.  surf rock vibes streaming from my eyes.


    jk im only here so ill be the first to know when it leaks


    I nearly spat out my drink to this  :lmao:

    Yall should vote, this has the potential to be a hit  :defeated:

    OT : Maybe the album was scrapped and she's working on new stuff that's similar to Doin' Time  :legend:

    Please noooooo

    I think for the next album I'd like her to work with Jack again, Dan, and the guys behind Doin' Time. <3 I don't give a damn about visuals at this point. I just want dreamy music.



    I want NFR vibes mixed with Honeymoon vibes <3 


    I need Jack to never be in the same studio as her ever again


    Whyyyyyyyyy. Literally everything I've heard so far has been awesome. 


    Mid-2019 release eh? So around June July August then. I somehow doubt that the release date has even ever changed and it was always planned for mid-2019 all along. I'm expecting an announcement in June. 


    This has crossed my minds many times. That press release is probably right, in both the release time and the fact that MAC, VB and HIAD are all 'fan singles'.





    We already have her best album in our hands today and its called Honeymoon




    Exactly she’s far too lazy for that, besides she said before once a song is done it’s done. She only really went back a few times and it was for lust for life (song) to change up the verse and chorus. National Anthem she added fireworks and the other was Yayo. But that’s about it.



    National Anthem changed a lot!!! It was originally called 'I want it all' and had a competlly different chorus and the whole thing had a different sound. The verses are the same, though she got rid of one of them. It was then completely reworked into national anthem, but with a far more guitar driven sound, with a new chorus, then it changed again, and then we have he released version... and thats the just the versions we know about. 


    Dark Paradise was reworked multiple times, at one point it had completely different verses (the "I got the ice, you got the fire. You got the stuff, to take me higher  I got the brains, you got the money, this is a race, lets go fast honey" version), she sang another version to this live in mid/late 2011 (Everybody told me I was falling in love, I said You would fall too if you knew what I was dreaming of, Everybody told me I was stupid because you were bad, you were wrong, And I knew it.)


    There are so many demos of LDR songs showing the change during production! 

  2. Does Doin' Time remind anyone of Gramma? 


    I mean they're both obviously very different, but I just see a similarity. 




    I hope the next time she does tour with NFL it will be a lighter set with a string quartet and piano again! Her performance at Apple plus the instrumentation of MAC and Hope lends itself to being intimate and gorgeous.  :)



    That would be beautiful! 


    Also hello fellow Australian :D

  3. Omg you're right! Damn fake news.


    I still continue on what I'm saying, as there's no big difference between that and what all other Popes and Fathers have said about homosexuality, abortion, women and etc.


    But anyways...


    What's the other Church all about? The one she's supposedly going to now instead of Hillsong.



    No I do agree - there isn't much of a difference at all. 


    I have no problem with people criticising the Catholic Church the same as Hillsong as organisations, but my point was that there is a difference between being a nominal/non practicing Catholic and a Hillsong member, and thus why there is a difference between criticising a non practicing catholic and a practicing Hillsong member. 


    I've not found much about Churchhome - but I believe they are a Bible Church which probably means similar beliefs to Hillsong. 

  4. Yep, I know, but at the same time the Church IS against gay people. Come on.. THE POPE said Gay people have to go to therapy as kids.

    So, why is it OK for Lana to be Catholic and NOT for her to go to Hillsong or whatever other church. It's all a cult. Others cult-esque nature is more notorious because it's in a smaller scale and Catholic/Christian Church is super big and super accepted. What I'm trying to say... Doesn't make her homophobic at least per se, and we don't even know if she actually gives her money to their institution and if she does... Well, easy to just not support buying her stuff. Otherwise IDK what to say.

    And this is coming from a Very Religious person btw. It's a cult. I don't subscribe to many of their statements and Idgaf what the Vatican says about Gay people, Women or sex.



    That isn't what the pope said but anyway. 


    Regardless of what the Church specifically says, my point was that 'being a catholic, because I was brought up with one and I believe in general Christain beliefs' is different to being a 'practicing catholic that goes to mass every week and subscribes to all the views of the Church'. For an adult to specifically choose a denomination, that is fair more aligned with believing in that denomination's beliefs. 


    But as I said, we don't know what she believes. 


    My point was I have far less of a problem with Lana being a 'nominal catholic', then choosing to go to Hillsong. At the end of the day, she can do what she wants, but I was just giving my two cents on the fact that there is a sliding scale of Catholicism and that most people sit at the non practicing end. 

  5. Last i checked so does the catholic church. The pope literally said parents should take their kids to gay conversion therapy if they notice gay behaviours at a young age.



    I've said this elsewhere but there is a difference between being a 'nominal catholic' because you were brought up as one and you continue to believe in general christian concepts (which a huge percentage of catholics are) and being someone who purposefully chooses to go to a church that is somewhat anti LGBTQ. 


    And the Pope didn't advocate for conversion therapy. His comments were mis-quoted/interpreted/translated. Pope Francis has been the most LGBTQ friendly Pope to date. 


    I personally was brought up Catholic, and I still go to Church, not because I support the Catholic Church's teachings on LGBTQ matters, but because I have a connection with God and that is the place where I do. I believe the Catholic Church is wrong in a lot of ways, and many many many Catholics also do. 


    Maybe Lana is the same with Hillsong. Who knows. Maybe she does believe all their teachings. Who really knows without asking specifically. But what I am saying is that the difference in condemnation is due to the implications of being a Catholic by birth vs being a Hillsong member by choice. 

  6. It's just dumb to hate on her NOW as if she wasn't a Catholic all her life.



    I don't know where I sit on any of this... but.... I'd say the majority of Catholics accept gay people and also the majority of Catholics aren't 'practicing' catholics, more people born into the faith and believe in the broader ideas (eg there is a God). Someone who actively attends Hillsong is a bit different as it is a choice to convert/ actively attending services. 


    I say this as a Gay person brought up Catholic. I actually still go to Church, but, I choose to believe that the Catholic Church is wrong on some teachings and go for my connection with God rather than then religion itself (dunno if that makes sense). 

    And Lana Del Rey took some time out from her busy schedule... 


    ok sure

    Yeah that part made me cackle... 


    Although, maybe they know something we don't  :shh:

  7. Lana: "Now that I'm a member, could I use the auditorium for an album release party during the week?"

    Church staff: "Sure. What's it called?"

    Lana: "Norman Fucking Rockwell."

    Church staff: ...



    Lana: oh also I want to perform songs from my other albums for the release party

    Church staff: Oh what songs?

    Lana: *Sings Cola, Gods & Monsters and FMWUTTT*

    Church staff:.........

  8. I’m listening to The Blackest Day rn while typing this and, she really made this song, she did that, this is something they created. One of her best songs tbh, if not her best. (next to Shades of Cool)



    It honestly is!!! It is her best song in my view. 




    The way she sings it, accompanied by the instruments. Heavenly



    Honeymoon is just so well produced, written and executed. It is clever and thoughtful on so many levels. 

  9. I just came on here to see the backlash after seeing her insta posts with comments disabled hahaha


    I really think it’s time for Lana to venture into a new sound/image for LDR7 and give us an electro pop album


    Think She’s Not Me meets adidas track pants and insta baddies  :flutter:


    It could really be a career changer and get people outside of Twitter and LB interested in her again




    Ugh no, we just had pop (Lust For Life) - and everyone on here seems to hate it. Its time for some lush strings. 


    LDR7 should be Honeymoon 2, cause NFR is UV2 and LFL is BTD2 

  10. There’s a lot of hate for her recent performances going on. I saw her in April last year on the LA to the moon tour and she was pretty damn good, she did various variations and interesting vocal runs and sounded great. Less playback would have been nice, but at least that night it generally worked out well. I’ve seen a lot of videos from the tour and they’re generally pretty good, but Lollapalooza was definitely weak for whatever reason.


    The backup dancers are a bit pointless....


    why the fuck would she let her most known songs "die"?


    that's just fucking dumb. it's the songs people generally know her most for, so obviously she'll perform them, i...





    I think its overkill to do 4 BTD songs. Summertime Sadness and Video Games are well known, National Anthem and Off to the races less so. 


    Maybe if she did one or two BTD songs and then she'd be able to do some more new stuff - Happiness Is a Butterfly and perhaps something off LFL? 


    I do get what you mean though - if this is a festival then there would possibly be a lot of casual Lana fans or non lana fans that only know BTD stuff. 

  12. you are a dreamer huh  :hooker:



    Who I am is a big time believer that LANA CAN DROP BTD AND DO HONEYMOON SONGS hahahahahaha 


    Someone on reddit posted that it’s ~apparently currently~


    Mariners Apartment Complex

    Video games

    High by the beach

    National anthem

    Summertime sadness

    Off to the races

    Venice bitch


    If this is tru

    Lana bitch

    Let Born to Die die

    It’s time






    One song of BTD would be fine. 


    Also High by the Beach? Strange choice IMH. (Though thats just because its my least fave on Honeymoon). 

  13. I just saw the insta video.... was he calling High by the beach a big comeback song? 



    A heap of the BTD stuff needs to come off the setlist already.... Though I guess for those who don't know deeper cuts it's important. 


    This is super unrealistic but this would be an interesting (short) setlist


    • 13 Beaches 
    • Ultraviolence 
    • Cherry 
    • Swan Song 
    • Terrance Loves You
    • Brooklyn Baby 
    • Black Beauty
    • Get Free 
    • Mariner’s Apartment Complex 
    • Ride 
    • PICK ONE: Video Games/Blue Jeans/Born to Die/Off to the races (if she must) 
    • How to Disappear 
    • Venice Bitch 

  14. life is beautiful as a bonus track on the deluxe edition of NFR. Girls, join hands in prayer, we are going to speak this into existence.

    Salvatore light the candles, I’ll draw the pentagram



    I've heard if you draw the pentagram using daisy chains and cherries, we'll get Roses Bloom For You + Yosemite + Best American Record and Life is Beautiful on the deluxe edition ;) 

  15. I prefer the radio mix of West Coast to the album/single version :O


    Also I love all the Honeymoon artwork and visuals + The LFL visuals and artwork (besides the white mustang video which is out of place and the cover for summer bummer which I really hate?)

  16. this is the kind of content I want to see!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10/10

    I know MAC being the album opener is predictable but when listening to L4L into NFR, the transition between Get Free and MAC would be so amazing


    It would make sense also cause MAC supposedly being Yosemite redone, and she said in LFL she wasn't quite there yet, but Get Free was the closest she was, so it would make sense. 


    Actually not to be annoying but I think there's a kind of liberation from being able to strip things back from what u were known for to just being urself no matter how bland in comparison that might seem. It'd honestly just be so different if we knew that she wasn't just being so lazy but then again that might b the lack of news talking .. 



    This is how I feel. I don't care what she wears or what makeup she does. She's clearly tried to distance herself from fame and make it about the music.. Which is fine with me. 

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