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Posts posted by LanaBoi

  1. I wonder how Jack reacted when Lana was like "uhhh I wanna add all these other random songs I've done onto the record too."


    The eye twitch that would have induced. 



    She already had songs when she started working with Jack - 


    “That was such a happy accident for me, I knew Jack [Antonoff] seven years ago when we were both making records at the same time with Emile [Haynie] - he was in fun. - but I didn't really reconnect with him until January [2018], and he was like "We should definitely sit down and just start doing stuff". I told him I had three songs that I already liked for a new record, that I wasn't really writing music, and we sat down at his studio in New York and I mean he kind of started everything, 'cause he would just play chords for hours, and like, he's so good at piano, some of the stuff he writes, like, just melodically, is really - it's kind of classical - and in my case it ended up turning more folky. He made it really easy for me to just riff over everything he was doing, and in our first week I had two songs I just thought were maybe like two of the best songs I had written. He just has a lot of truth in him.”    



    Probably 'The Next Best American Record', 'Bartender' and 'Happiness is a Butterfly'. 

  2. I think this album will always be underrated. It is just so beautiful and so many of the songs take me places. The Blackest Day will probably always be my favourite (from the album and also out of all her songs). 



    The Honeymoon sampler visually captures the essence of the album IMHO. I've always thought of HM as the only album (to date) that Lana is the heart and soul of and I at least assume had the fewest changes from the original idea. LFL was 'for the fans' and we know it changed a lot. UV was heavily influenced by Dan Auerbach and was chopped and changed from the original vision (although it worked), BTD and Paradise (Well probably more BTD) were such a push to make it after Video Games. As far as we know Honeymoon is Lana, doing what she wanted. There are almost no leaks, no outtakes that we know of and what came out was essentially what Lana described it as (despite the change in title). 


    Having said that, I do think High By The Beach was slapped on at the last minute in order to produce a possible 'hit' single. 

  3. Can't wait to get good enough material for the site theme to change 


    I think you're onto something.i can see the body builder guy being used for this 



    I think it would be awesome! Would be pretty cool to have a song that changes dramatically like that. 

    Just can't wait to hear the studio version of How To Disappear. Plus I hope she keeps In My Car on the final product.



    Same!! I love HTD. The Apple performance is beautiful and so is that snippet where she changes the vocal runs around as she sings. 


    I think I've shot myself in the foot, having listened to and REALLY loved the snippets for Hiab, IMC and Cinnamon. 

  4. I know this was pages ago.... But... 


    I don't take issue with the swearing in Cherry. Lana said herself in an interview that Cherry and another song (white mustang???) were meant to have a vibe of annoyance/irritation and that they were the first songs she felt she was being 'annoyed' in. I've always taken that as the reason.. Annoyed/irritated sass where she's swearing out of irritation rather than swearing for the sake of it. 


    I don't actually really swear at all in real life, and find some of Lana's swearing pointless (Gods & Monsters, Radio, some of the swearing on UV) but I dunno never minded it in Cherry. (Oh and I'm also Australian with the Aussie swearing birthright that I don't use). 

  5. where did I ever set rules hun? all I ever said was that hope sucks. which apparently isn't the general consensus here. y'all drag urban Lana on the daily and nobody bats an eyelash. but when I say her piano ballads suck, suddenly the whole thread is mad at me. get some hobbies and stop circle jerking your faux outrage. I said what I said.





    I think people have a problem with you saying that people who like a particular song are pretending to be edgy... Nobody is saying that people who like Groupie Love or Summer Bummer are pretending in order to be edgy. 

  6. what's lana's best single



    Music To Watch Boys To, Dark Paradise (Germany at least), Ultraviolence and Venice Bitch (if that's considered a single). 

    Many people here said that NFR may be her last album. At least for a while


    I hope not. I'd be more than happy for her to sit back and make music and release it at her own pace, without promo or fuss. Personally I think NFR is going to be some of her best work, and Honeymoon is my favourite and both were/will be(?) minimally promoted and I think she make the records she wanted with both. 

  7. whenever i’m home alone i sing btd/paradise songs with those dramatic vocals she used to do (think million dollar man hackney weekend 2012) cuz it’s fun and every single time my cat meows at me like she’s telling me to stop bc it’s annoying her or she sounds concerned bc she thinks i’m in pain lol



    This is me while driving..... "TWOOOOOOOOOOO FOR THE SHOWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... How did you getttt that wayheyheyheyheyhey I don't knowwwwww"




    I worry what other people can hear coming from inside my car...


    Being a cat person I should sing some Lana to my cats :D

  8. There are no legal problems with the name. Yes, the album is mastered and done, but there’s no obligation to put it out as soon as it’s done. And it doesn’t mean the artist doesn’t like the project anymore



    And not only that, I really think that getting the poetry done to the extent she wants it done is important to her. 


    I'll say it before and I'll say it again, I think the Poetry book and NFR are linked and it is important to her put them out together, or the poetry before the album. 


    And realistically, it isn't that long since LFR and it's only a year since her worldwide tour. It isn't like we've been waiting 5 years or something. 


    Yes it would be helpful if she let us know what's going on but I think she's tired of the fame and wants to do things on her terms. I think she could probably be satisfied just recording music for herself and never releasing it, would avoid all the toxicity that goes on when she doesn't deliver on time etc. As much as I would love NFR right now, I'd much rather let her have her space to finish what she's doing, then have her quit music or something. 

  9. There's no word of how exactly her poetry book is even going to be sold. She's doing it herself and said she was leaving copies at some bookstores but who knows about getting it to her fans worldwide. For $1? Doubt it. 



    Yeah who knows with that one. Possibly a very limited run of physical books and an eBook?


    eBook comes free with the deluxe album? Who knows! 

  10. I was into the idea of a poetry book at first but the fact that she is pushing this above her album is really irritating. At the end of the day, people are fans of Lana because of the music and care way more about news pertaining to that. I know she doesn't gave af and does whatever she wants but.. for real I'm getting the feeling that she just doesn't like NFR that much. Why else would you ignore your own album?


    I hope I'm just tripping and that she has actual news in Tuesday's issue of Vogue Italia. If not then i don't even know man



    I'm not that into it myself, but I think possibly that it is so linked to her album and she wants to get it out there first. 


    And as for ignoring NFR, I honestly think she's done with fame. She wants to write and release music as she pleases. Perhaps a lot of the inconsistencies in this era have been down to disagreements between LDR, her management and her record label wanting different things.

  11. Even if the album isn't mentioned this is good news. 


    The Album and Poetry are linked. There are photos from when she was recording where she's carrying that typewriter around. Theres even a video somewhere where she's listening to one of the NFR songs, and you can hear her typing. I think she wrote a lot of the poetry while listening/Writing/Recording NFR. 


    Possibly she's written the poetry book as a prequel/accompaniment to the album. 


    I was getting a little worried lately that the poetry book was going to disappear as she hadn't mentioned it for a while, but I'm glad it hasn't. Once the poetry is released then I think the album will come. 


    Maybe she's putting more promo/mentions of the poetry in as she knows her music will sell but is unsure on the poetry. 


     I also go back to the press release in January that said the album is for a mid year release. Possibly the plans changed between last year when LDR was releasing the singles and annoying 'top end of 2019', maybe she/the team realised that the poetry would take a lot longer or something. 



    I hope Lana doesn't read these threads :/ I don't think some of you realize how nasty you sound.



    Amen to that! 


    I don't see the need to criticise her appearance whatsoever. 

  12. Jeez Hope We Get Something By end Of Summer



    Yeah maybe my summer (Australian summer)... ;P

    Girlies, what should we do to celebrate when we reach 2000 pages of pure speculation? :hooker:


    Turn the best posts into song lyrics, get in the studio with Jack, record it and release it as "NFR - The gays and their descent into madness edition". Featuring Happiness is an Album release, "Hope is an extraordinary dangerous for Lana fans to have, we don't even know if we still have it" and "Crazy conspiracy apartment complex'. 

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