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About PennCentralFan

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  • Birthday September 5

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    He, him, his
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    USA! USA! USA!
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    Sports, Politics, Pro Wrestling, Trains, Comics
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  1. I thought she looked pretty hot in the black tight pants. You know that she has straight guys who are fans.
  2. I hope you can find a ride. Can you take the Metra? Her shows don't go too late so maybe you can catch the last train
  3. There's no photo with Lana. If you want to be close to the stage get the Silver VIP package. The Silver is a floor ticket and you get to get on the floor earlier.
  4. In MPLS she came onstage at about 9:20 pm. Show was over by 11. Yes we had heard from the bartenders that she was to hit the stage at 9:10pm.
  5. Radiohead hasn't been relevant for years. They are just trying for publicity. I've listened to both songs and while they are similar the idea that Lana plagiarized is baseless. The songs are two completely different songs. They are not the same song and the chord procession while similar is not the same.
  6. I was glad she did Ultraviolence, OTTR, and Serial Killer. She did a pretty good job with those. SS and OTTR is different live in my opinion than the record. I would have liked to have Shades of Cool, Brooklyn Baby, West Coast, Cola, Gods and Monsters, but I really liked the show. OTTR is kind of cute when she pretends to be running by moving her arms. The trinity of BTD, Video Games, Blue Jeans has to be accepted. I mean if you went to see the Rolling Stones, you'd expect to have Satisfaction, Jumpin' Jack Flash, and Brown Sugar. It was an awesome show.
  7. I I had heard since the lobby opened at 8:00am people were there that early and there were people who were waiting outside the lobby in the morning. I don't know what good it does you if you only have GA floor seats compared to Gold and Silver packages. I got at the show at 5:45 pm and had a few hundred people ahead me in the queue in the lobby for the floor and I ended up just 10 yards from the stage so I saw everything good, but I didn't get a selfie of course, but I was happy at where I was on the floor.
  8. Oh, one thing I wish to mention to Lana fans is that smoking is banned in arenas in the US and Canada. Meaning you can't smoke tobacco or weed. If I lit up a cigar I would expect to be given flack by fans around me and have no right to complain if I was ejected and prosecuted. I know in some states you can legally smoke weed in the privacy of your own home, but the smoking ban is for weed and tobacco. Hey I've smoked pot and I got no problem with people smoking weed, but you don't have a dispensation at Lana concerts to smoke weed if smoking is banned. Yeah people were smoking weed on the floor, but the thing is all smoking is banned. There may be people around you who have asthma or allergies and their right to breathe air without smoke supersedes your right to smoke. People who smoke either tobacco or weed at places where smoking is banned are just plain dicks.
  9. The floor crowd was relatively well behaved. Nowhere near as bad as it was for Lallapalooza in Chicago. Some pushing, but pretty good, you never felt crushed. Though it got hot, but considering how cold it was and they would occasionally let cold air in, it was okay. My guess is that East Coast Cities, Detroit and Chicago will be more pushy and crowded being big crowed cities, people are more used to being squeezed in tight places.
  10. She did serial killer also. Lots of songs from Born to Die: Born to Die, Video Games, Blue Jeans, Off to the Races, National Anthem, Summertime Sadness. Also did Ride from Paradise. Not much from Honeymoon: Music to Watch Boys By, She did Ultraviolence, Black Beauty, and Pretty When you Cry.
  11. Good show. She went for about 90 minutes. She announced her brother lives in Minneapolis.
  12. Guests with floor tickets should enter via main lobby or Lexus Courtside Club entrance & Go963MN is hosting a pre-party in the club at 6:30pm. More tips for tonight: bit.ly/2CXhzdb ‬
  13. Serial Killer is awesome. I can hope for Never Let Me Go.
  14. FYI, if you park at the A and B ramps next to the Target Center you take the skyway to the arena so you don't have to walk through the cold to get the Target Center though parking might be up to 20 dollars to park in ramp A and B it might be worth it. http://www.abc-ramps.com
  15. Be careful tomorrow if you're seeing her in MPLS. The high temp tomorrow is 2 F. I would expect by 6:30 when doors open it'll be below zero. If you plan on camping dress warm. My guess is that if you want to camp out tonight they won't let you since it'll be -11 F tonight. It will be well below zero when the show is over so move quickly to the parking ramps or hotel. Who's got floor tickets?
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