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Posts posted by DCooper

  1. How can some people have such little compassion for Lana's mental health. We have NO clue what she's doing right now, but we do know that, after having her message misunderstood and used against her to suggest she's racist, she posted a long video where she seemed to really be struggling, and a heartbreaking poem about identifying with Sylvia Plath. That alone makes me give her the benefit of the doubt and know that if she could do something she would, and for all we know she is. Do NOT say that she can handle the thousands of criticisms that she would receive if she posts. You're not her, you don't have a clue what she can or can not mentally handle right now. 


    I also hope that those of you spending an awful lot of time on Lana Boards talking about how shitty she is, are also using your voices to raise awareness elsewhere. I hope you're not just re-posting the same thing on Instagram, but also emailing people in power, making phone calls, donating if you can afford to, etc. I understand this is a very serious and devastating topic, but let's not forget that we're all human and we owe it to one another to try and understand where people are coming from. 

  2. What did he say? I can’t see it.


    "Leave Lana alone, she's a beautiful spirit who cares deeply about equality and has liberal values in the most meaningful possible way. Sadly the US has a fascist racist in charge and the country deep rooted long standing problems with racial prejudice. If you want a target make it him and that, not Lana."


    And then in reply to someone:


    "Please support her then she isn't public property she's a human being and a very principled and beautiful one."


    And now to someone else:


    "My job as a manager and friend is to support her. She being the focus of your attention and annoyance right now, with the world as it is, is absurd."

  3. It amazes how quickly people can say they don't like Lana anymore, just her music. We don't know anything about how her last few days have been. She had pretty rough week last week in the public eye and everyone told her she needs to take a deep breath and stay off social media. That's what she's doing. I'd be scared to post anything too if I was her. The video she posted was very sad to watch and it's clear she's hurting and doesn't know how to express herself right now. Maybe for her own mental health she can't handle any more backlash. And let's be real, everyone is posting about this right now and everyone is aware. Lana's input isn't going to add much to the conversation. People seem to think that Instagram is the be-all-end-all of activism, but there is so much more we could and should be doing. We don't have a clue what she's doing or how she's feeling right now, so let's not tear her apart when there are a lot more important things to be putting our energy into at the moment, especially when we haven't a clue how Lana is reacting to the current state of the country. Stop treating her like the enemy, she is not a bad person, she's human, and I believe in her to help when and how she can.

  4. I actually think Lust for Life is a lot more cohesive than people give it credit for. The "lack of cohesion" and the changing vibes is the message of the album for me. It's about a woman who doesn't really know who she is or where her place in the world is, but her desire for happiness has her following different paths and people with the hope of finding something real to hold onto, but her approach relies too heavily on others. Halfway through the album she starts to think on a larger scale and slowly but surely reaches a point by the end of the album where she's learned enough about herself and her lust for life to move down a new path, out of the black and into the blue.

  5. I feel like it's possible this album will be more aggresive and poppier than NFR based on the last few days, but we also shouldn't assume that shes going to suddenly be back to sassy old Lana vibes. Today's poem was very dark and mature and the album could definitely be heading in that direction as well, so we will see. But I wouldn't be assuming we're getting something poppier and more in line with her older work just because of her posts this week.

  6. This is obviously the best poem she's released so far. Really stunning and beautiful and I am so proud of her for posting this instead of continuing the drama. For me at least it really reads as if she's acknowledging that she doesn't know how to communicate her thoughts properly if not through her art, so she gave us this instead of continuing down the path she was heading. Gorgeous writing and I can't imagine what kind of person couldn't have some compassion after hearing this.

  7. I did a project regarding women in the music industry and their experiences, and Lana's early career was one of the three topics I chose. People tore her to shreds for being "inauthentic", especially when information of the Lizzy Grant days came forward.

    But we all know that story, but I have never seen, or heard of, a male artist be torn to shreds like she was, for public performances, to authenticity.


    Although, I've given this some thought since yesterday, if she felt like she couldn't truly make the music she wanted to since BTD and UV, does that mean that Honeymoon, Lust for Life, and Norman Fucking Rockwell are inauthentic to herself?  I read somewhere here that someone said maybe she wrote those records to appease critics, and if that is so, does it take away from the things she sang about?

    I am having trouble articulating this, but it makes me challenge my perception of her last three albums, in a way.

    I mean, if she changed her lyrics and such to appease critics, that's fine, and artists make songs all the time that have no meaning. And I'm not trying to reignite that authenticity thing, but it makes me wonder.

    idk im having trouble putting my thoughts into this post, hopefully someone understands what i'm trying to ask/say

    EDIT: maybe im looking to much into it/overthinking things


    I don't think that means the albums are inauthentic, they are just exploring a different "safer" part of her, wherein the past she was more comfortable exploring more controversial topics. That doesn't mean the music isn't meaningful and personal to her.

  8. This is truly wild but why would anyone think she's ruining her career with this? Since when has Lana's success been based on appealing to the masses? She's pissed and messy right now but she's expressing herself and as usual her words her misconstrued and used against her as an attack. Someone close to her needs to call her right now and calm her down, but she's clearly not ruining her career lol.

  9. I really don't understand why people think she was dragging the artists she mentioned? She's saying that all those women have reached #1 with content that could be deemed inappropriate, so essentially they've made sexualized content mainstream and acceptable, so she should also be able to sing about her own controversial topics, but instead critics jump on her and say she's not a feminist. How does that read as dragging them?


    As usual, Lana is misunderstood. And all the valid points she makes are ignored by a ton of people.

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