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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. We're all here because we love and respect Lana, so I don't think it's too much to expect people here to speak respectfully about her and her art, whether or not they like it. There are many users who don't like what she's doing yet are still able to express that without resorting to childish rude takes. To each their own though...
  2. I'm only going to say this once more because some of you still don't seem to grasp it, but the issue is not people disliking Lana's current music. For me, what I won't agree with is the flat-out rude and immature ways some of you describe music of hers that you don't like. It's really not complicated, grow up and get it.
  3. Lol I'm not attacking or bullying you, but if you can't dislike a song where she's clearly poured her heart and soul into it without using childish insults to describe it, then you're being the problem. Anyways stream The Grants in 2 hours
  4. How do some people still not understand that Lana doesn't care about "potential listeners" who use words like "snoozefest" or "flop" to describe masterpieces like Fingertips That's not to say she won't still release a bop because she clearly will on this album, but it couldn't be more obvious that her priorities are not attracting the top 40 crowd. As Jack mentioned in the Rolling Stone article: “She’s reached a point in her work, which is really my favourite place to work from, where there’s nowhere to go but way out into the fucking wilderness artistically. Go chase radio? That’d be so stupid. Go chase trends? So stupid. She created all the trends. It’s a freeing place, if you can accept it. The only place to go is to be a leader.”
  5. It didn't even really cross my mind that it wouldn't have leaked by now tbh, at this point maybe it won't happen until the day before
  6. I highly doubt anyone was talking about The Grants, a single the week before the album is out is a surprise to no one lol
  7. Interesting, I didn't know Boz said that. I wouldn't consider a live performance as new music so I wonder why Kintsugi said that, especially since he seems reliable.
  8. I thought Kintsugi confirmed that the surprise was related to new music, did that change?
  9. I personally find Fingertips so compelling, I can't imagine thinking it's boring but to each their own
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