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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. It's always so interesting when people have such different descriptions for the same thing, it makes me even more excited!
  2. I obviously didn't think the metal banging against the office was you leaking the album, but the timing was entertaining
  3. Friendly reminder to all my besties not to say anything that will get you banned, we need you all to remain a part of this community!!
  4. No joke like seconds before @Three White Butterflies said that there was a huge gust of wind and a piece of metal banged against the office building I'm in and I fully jumped, and then I read his post...
  5. Lmao so true I thought the same like if you're gonna give her the acclaim, why not take the time to properly give it
  6. Vulture named A&W one of the best songs of 2023 so far “A&W,” Lana Del Rey The first half of “A&W” is Lana Del Rey at her purest: a chronicler of dark Americana, eight albums distilled. The singer-songwriter goes inside the mind of a sex-addled California girl, murmuring and mumbling in the sweet spot of ’70s soft pop she’s found since working with super producer Jack Antonoff. A line like “This is the experience of being an American whore” could veer toward caricature if Del Rey weren’t as committed as she is here. “A&W” then takes an unpredictable turn: The bass begins to wobble, the drums kick in, and before you know it, she’s flipped “Shimmy Shimmy Ko-Ko-Bop” into a rap about a manipulative man named Jimmy. She’s closer to self-parody at this point, but as Del Rey — and the character she’s singing about — knows, there’s no excitement without a little risk.
  7. I would trust American Bottom though, his friend works at a record store that already got the shipment and I highly doubt they're the only one.
  8. I thought AmericanBottom got the vinyl because someone he knew worked at a record store that already received their shipment.
  9. I am seriously going to need an internet detox once we get the album because it can't possible be healthy to refresh pages this often
  10. I predict someone will leak it March 10th in honour of the original date but we won't get anything before then.
  11. Omg so did I, I literally woke up at like 5am and checked to see if it really happened
  12. To put emphasis on us the listener and force us to consider our own thoughts in relation to the questions she's asking on this album
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