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  1. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by liam in What should Lana's fans be called?   
    'Lipsters' is the worst fucking name ever. It makes me want to vomit.
    I'd rather not have a name for the fanbase!
  2. youcallmelavender liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in 'Sexiest' Lana song?   
    Yayo, Blue Jeans, Trash, and Mermaid Motel! and a newer one would have to be Burning Desire.



    I can't be the only Lana stan that has had LDR-fueled fornication! Some songs work a lot better than others.

  3. Elina liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    she has also said that Yayo was the prequel to VG
  4. sadshoujo liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Do you think Lana still does drugs?   
    May Jailer maybe good friends with Mary Jane, and that's ok with me.

  5. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    HDB, check these out. I wanted to give you something more tangible rather than a rambling post.
    Here’s Wouldn’t It Be Nice by The Beach Boys in mono (how it was originally mixed in 1966) and a modern stereo mix of the song.
    First Stereo:

    Make sure you do NOT turn the volume all the way up, leave a little room to play the mono back louder. Listen to the clarity and separation. You can pick certain instruments apart. In this mix you can actually hear that, yes, indeed, the driving force of the backing track is two accordions! Listen to how the background vocals pop out and shimmer. Listen to the bed of horns and all the percussion. You can hear different parts weaving in and out and you feel the sound sort of enveloping you from all around, like you're in a pool that's filled with the music rather than water. The song has a certain elegance in stereo.
    Now Mono:
    Turn the volume up slightly louder than you did the stereo mix. All of the aforementioned is gone. Everything blends. It’s like the whole song is one big well-oiled machine, all the parts indistinguishable from each other, coming together to create a whole. It’s not about the details at all (many of which are lost!) but rather the big picture. If everything before was a collection of separate sounds, this is just one big mass of a single sound, but listen to the power that it carries. It’s like a train that’s coming straight at you and it’s going to rip your head off.
    Is one "better" than the other? Of course not, it comes down to personal preference. But it also doesn't have to be about one or the other. To me, they're BOTH essential, they both have their own value for totally different reasons. When i listen to the stereo mix, i marvel at the intricacies of the composition, arrangement, and production and i think, Wow, Brian Wilson was not of this earth. How the fuck did he compose, arrange, produce, and sing this? When i listen to the mono mix i just FEEL the song and it makes me want to cry.
  6. evilentity liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Great Video Games performance   
    err, the Letterman is the best VG performance. sorry bout it!

  7. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by WilleoSoeurs in "Burning Desire" at the Jaguar F-Type Launch in Paris   
    bought Burning Desire together with Ride today
  8. Sitar liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
  9. lflflflflflflflflflf liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Ride   
    prolly not. but the imagery is so similar to me. And I do like the execution of Ride. I guess it's just part of the bittersweet experience of being a fan of an artist with a prolific unreleased discography like Lana. A lot of gems crafted during her creative process that probably will not ever see the light of a master producer. I just enjoy it while I can.


  10. demiannn liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Ride   
    Ride is like a fully realized On Our Way
  11. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Genre?   
    "Once you label me you negate me." -- Kierkegaard
  12. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Lana To Perform At The Itunes Festival, London   
    I wrote this in the introductions section, but thought it fitted better here...
    Thanks all of you!! Okay here's what happened at the iTunes Festival:
    So I'd applied for iTunes tickets a million times, and of course, I didn't get them. It was the dream show for me - only about 15 minutes from my house, and it was free! I decided to try and get into the festival with two of my friends. They both like Lana and know the lyrics off Born To Die, (one of them came with me to meet her in April), but you couldn't call them fans. We all had school that day, and because I've just moved schools, it was such a pain for us to meet up. We got there as quickly and we could, at 5 o'clock. The doors opened at 6 for people with tickets, and they were supposed to start letting standby queue people in at 8.15, (if there was any space). When we got there there were about 25 or so people in the queue for ticket winners, and about the same in the standby queue. If we had tickets, we were early enough that we would have been able to be front row, so that was pretty annoying. We joined the standby queue, and hoped for the best. By the time it got to 8.15, there were probably about 200 people behind us in the standby queue - it was mental! People with tickets were still coming, so they had no choice but to let them in instead of us. At 8.40ish they let some standby people in. At 8.50, we finally got to the front of the queue, when the staff went inside, locked the venue, and basically left us standing in the cold and dark after waiting for 4 hours. I hadn't expected to get in really, but it was the fact that we were at the front, and that all evening all I heard from tickets winners was 'She used to be called... Lizzy? She has blonde hair or something.' Also people were saying how they didn't even want to be there, they just got the tickets for the sake of it. I was so pissed off about that. So when they locked the doors, I started crying. I'm not a crier normally - I barely ever cry. It was just that I was bitterly disappointed. At about 8.57, they man who chooses who goes in from the standby queue looked through the doors and saw me crying, spoke to a few people, then held up 2 fingers and beckoned me. Me and my friends looked at him totally bemused as there were 3 of us. The man said, 'If you want to see her then come on!' I said, 'Please can my other friend come? We can't leave her!' He just rolled his eyes, so I kind of shouted at him a bit, but he agreed. Out of 3200 people, we were the last people in the whole venue. At that point, me and my friends started screaming and hugging, and I was properly sobbing out of joy... okay, that's totally looserish and sad, but I was just so happy. My friends were both crying a bit, too. We got our wrist bands, and went racing up the stairs to find her! The security guy started laughing and said, 'Calm down!' and I was flapping my arms and sobbing like a total freak. We burst into the venue just as Blue Jeans was finishing. Of course we were right at the back, but as we're all short people didn't really mind us pushing. By the end we were about 15m away from the stage. During Body Electric I couldn't stop sobbing, and for the rest of the show I cried the whole way through. My friends were being so nice, as everyone was giving me kind of weird looks, but they knew it kind of meant the world to me to be there. Lana was amazing, as you all know. It was flawless. I was shaking so much. I was thrilled that she did Radio, as she doesn't do it live that much, and it's my favourite song on Born To Die. At the end of the night, I could have waited to meet her after, but my friends had school the next day and still had a ton of homework to do, and I thought that I've met her before, and I don't really want to take the opportunity away from people who haven't by taking up her time. That sounds so weird and stupid, but I just didn't see the need. I mean, she's messaged me, followed me, I've met her, and had just seen her live... what more could I want? Sorry this is so long, but I just wanted to tell you guys. It was as good as meeting her, I think, as it looked like we weren't going to get in, and just watching her show live was so emotional as I watch every single one she does in other places. To finally be there was so overwhelming. Hope you're all okay! <3
  13. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Lana To Perform At The Itunes Festival, London   
    So will it be on album 2 when she does an encore? Since it's her major label "debut" or whatever. and if it's her debut she wouldn't have a backlog of songs? ? ? BUT SHE DOES!!!
    And her not doing encores makes the audience wanting more. I'm about to go on a Lana binge.
  14. lflflflflflflflflflf liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Ride   
    Ride is like a fully realized On Our Way
  15. Mileena liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Ride   
    Ride is like a fully realized On Our Way
  16. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Matt in My Lana Videos   
    GODS AND MONSTERS - I thought Repulsion w/ Catherine Denueve when I heard this song, so I took the liberty to use the clip we've been given of this amazing song and put clips of Repulsion to it.
  17. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    idk bout AMERICAN but PUSSY is like Take My Breath Away.
    I can instantly picture Bel Air, it's a good sign I'm gonna like it?
    And do not kill me. I repeat, do.not.kill.me... Bel Air is Someone Like you-ish
    I don't believe in whining cos I thought it adds the negative ions in my body, but..

    I need her to stay in that natural curl of her hair for many many many 4evas
    Lana, Ben, someone.. if you read this.. c-can you hear me?
  18. youcallmelavender liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Ride   
    Ride is like a fully realized On Our Way
  19. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Create A Lana Ep (~8 Songs) From Unreleased And Demo Tracks   
    Taking into account that her unreleased songs are so eclectic and diverse, I thought these more eccentric, mostly acoustic tunes could be a cohesive collection, portraying a lesser-known side of Lana. The EP would be called “Forlorn on Fire” (because I think this fragment from “Dangerous Girl” describes her quite well) and the tracklist would be:
    1- Disco
    2- Get Drunk
    3- You’re Gonna Love Me
    4- 1949
    5- Elvis
    6- Axl Rose Husband
    7- Money Hunny
    8- Dangerous Girl (a capella demo)
    9- Pin Up Galore (demo)
    The songs that comprise this selection are episodes in the story of a young woman’s search for her own identity, where she oscillates between self-confidence and substance-induced bravado, both shrewd and innocent, longing to discover and experience life and love without the binding ties of morality, determined yet astray, travelling from desire to despair, from certainty to confusion, and – after observing the ways of the world – emerging from loss towards a newfound sense of self, luminous and dark: “not of this world”.
    The cover would be this image ♥

  20. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by LadyLana in Create A Lana Ep (~8 Songs) From Unreleased And Demo Tracks   
    She's not me
    Go Go Dancer
    Children Of The Bad Revolution
    Never Let Me Go
    Kill Kill
    Serial Killer
    Body Electric
    these are just some of my favorite released songs
  21. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Create A Lana Ep (~8 Songs) From Unreleased And Demo Tracks   
    There was a period before Lana was famous--back when she was feeling that rejection, I think an interview said around the time Ke$ha was number 1--that she was writing pop songs (quite well, I might add). I tried to imagine this coming to fruition. Maybe she'd emphasize her "dangerous" side a little more, or go by just plain LANA in the spirit of other pop stars. Thus was born the DADDY ISSUES EP!

    1. Kinda Outta Luck
    2. Ooh Baby
    3. Hey Lolita Hey
    4. Daddy Issues (I like to imagine this with clearer vocals and simpler production)
    5. Dum Dum
    6. Gogo Dancer
    7. She's Not Me
    8. Backfire
    9. Match Made in Heaven
    10. Paris
  22. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Boarding School   
    Lyrically speaking, i've always thought of Lana Del Rey, first and foremost, as a storyteller. Not, say, in the sense of Tom Waits, whose lyrics read more like short stories, and one doesn't ever really wonder if he's singing about people, places, and situations from his own life. I think with Lana it's a lot more apparent that her subject matter is drawn from her life, but it's always puzzled me that so many people take every word completely as autobiographical truth. Almost as if that gives the lyrics more value somehow. I suspect she embellishes quite a bit, and i don't find anything "wrong" with that, nor does it make her and her songs less interesting or valid. I think that, as is the case with most everything, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. That said, when it comes to Lana Del Rey, i'm not terribly interested in the truth and details of her past and personal life. I'm just a music d00d at the end of the day.
  23. greymillenium liked a post in a topic in Boarding School   
    You thought that I was just a calendar kitten
    But now you heard me purring, tiger, you’re smitten
  24. lili liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Create A Lana Ep (~8 Songs) From Unreleased And Demo Tracks   
    I'll begin!
    Lana Del Rey - The Scarlet Woman EP

    1. Children of the Bad Revolution
    2. Lift Your Eyes
    3. You Can Be the Boss
    4. Hundred Dollar Bill
    5. Trash Magic (Miss America)
    6. Get Drunk
    7. Serial Killer
    8. Dark Paradise (demo)
    Babylon Bonuses: Money Hunny and Heavy Hitter
    This EP showcases a lyrical tale of mysticism and sensuality as Lana Del Rey comes clean about her past lives as a high priestess and an escort. These songs either have esoteric references or divulge carnal knowledge. Who else could coo about spirituality and sexuality on the same record? She "dies" or is sacrificed at the end of this concept album, too. Only just to be reborn for the next era.
  25. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Create A Lana Ep (~8 Songs) From Unreleased And Demo Tracks   
    One of my favorite song from BtD is Off to the Races because of its fast pace, her vocal which make me thing of two people telling us their experience w/ men and love or the same person telling this love story but at 2 periods of time (when living it and when being reminiscent of it).
    This song is and is about an obsessive, unhealthy, schizophrenic yet beautiful relationship. It's about submission, she's not the victim though but the mastermind of everything. It's about getting what you want and desire from love and living it.
    So here is my playlist, showing Lana soft and sultry/crazy side:
    01. Go Go Dancer
    02. Put the Radio On
    03. Playing Dangerous
    04. Trash Magic
    05. Kinda Outta Luck
    06. Dum Dum
    07. Serial Killer
    08. Never Let Me Go
    Bonus track:
    09. The Man I Love

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