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About DaytonaMeth

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  • Birthday March 18

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  1. https://imgur.com/SE09tm9 (idk how to post pics my bad, but its attached lol)
  2. Ben: aha she’s sexy don’t be mad!!
  3. Damn I never knew anyone here was on ONTD, except for an old friend of mine. That's where I first found out about Lanz bc someone uploaded the leaked BTD video lol. But they've always hated her there honestly.
  4. What Lana is trying to say: I feel ostracized by a multitude of different vocal groups and I just want to feel like I'm accepted for who I am. That my art has a place somewhere. That I can gain the same notoriety and respect of my peers that I admire without feeling as if I'm working against an uphill battle. I feel lost without knowing my place in this industry and I've been struggling for years. What Lana posts: Fragile women need a platform too. Why do all these women get praised for doing this but I get hated on? Fuck off if you don't understand me. (read with a pissed off NY accent) There's people that understand what she wants to express and others that don't. I don't fault either. And I do empathise more with Lana after her video because it shows that she's speaking from an emotional place, whereas I previously thought it was due to defensiveness/arrogance. When you're in an emotional state it's difficult to properly formulate yourself in the "right" manner. So I think we (me) should go easier on her.
  5. Oh trust me, I was sad as fuck when I realized BTD was esentially an art project created by interscope to market her. That whole glam babydoll shit wasn’t her authentic self. And as the years went on she became more in control of her image and craft. I’ll always miss the BTD era though because that’s when I became a fan. That was her most cohesive, aesthetically and lyrically pleasing era no matter what other people say.
  6. I’m sorry but I have to laugh. What are you talking about? Steely goddess? Did her BTD persona really trick you into believing she’s someone who gives no fucks? Because that’s far from the truth.
  7. Honestly now i’m questioning if this is a breakdown or if it’s just her being her own unfiltered self. This is exactly how she’d respond to anything that triggered her in 2011/12. Kind of glad I stopped stanning a long time ago.
  8. We’re witnessing her Britney head shaving and umbrella smashing era y’all. That’s literally what these posts are. Pray for her tbh.
  9. Her ability to talk her way into another hole of stupidity is truly astounding. This explaining post reads worse than her original. For someone who seems to value her own intelligence, you’d think she’d be able to express herself in a better manner than this. Ignoring the ”race war” comment because I’m not touching that headache. But please explain why ”fragile, delicate and soft” are the only adjectives in your vocabulary to describe yourself. She legit sounds like one of those Aunts from the handmaiden’s tale that’s angry at the overly sexualized women getting attention over the ”pure” & timid ones in a corner somewhere.
  10. This bitch still has it 6 years later. Take all my coins bc i’m SOLD for this era. That video was beautiful my drunk ass cant deal.
  11. Good point, I forgot about UV. It's not just about the music either, it's her entire image, branding, promotion etc. It's all so lazy. And it's so funny that it's only with this era that she discovered social media. literally insane to see her tweet shit like "the tour is on sale today bitches" knowing she hasn't been hacked
  12. She's gotten so boring and uninspiring post 2013. She needs to fire her team and work with new people for a change that don't kiss her ass and that will tell her when her shit is terrible and recycled. She's the type to stick with the same people she's worked with for years out of comfort and needing a safe space or w/e and that prevents her from developing as an artist and finding new outlets and sources for inspiration.
  13. Yeah ik, i'm talking about her overall sad tone in this interview and her reflections.
  14. She's drinking again I never knew Barrie fucked her up this much.
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