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Cherry on Top

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Everything posted by Cherry on Top

  1. Cruel World 30 Ultraviolence 29 Shades of Cool 45 Brooklyn Baby 19 West Coast 25 Pretty When You Cry 46 Black Beauty 46
  2. Off to the Races 19 Blue Jeans 17 Video Games 53 Dark Paradise 12 Carmen 1 Million Dollar Man 48
  3. Off to the Races 19 Blue Jeans 17 Video Games 53 Dark Paradise 13 Carmen 1 Million Dollar Man 47
  4. Off to the Races 18 Blue Jeans 17 Video Games 53 Dark Paradise 13 Carmen 3 Million Dollar Man 46
  5. Cruel World 30 Ultraviolence 29 Shades of Cool 44 Brooklyn Baby 20 West Coast 26 PWYC 46 Old Money 0 Black Beauty 45
  6. Honeymoon 31 God Knows I Tried 33 Salvatore 30 The Blackest Day 37
  7. Ultraviolence and Honeymoon are masterpieces. Everybody knows it... It's a fact! Wishing the new album is as good.
  8. Honeymoon 30 God Knows I Tried 35 Salvatore 30 The Blackest Day 36
  9. Honeymoon 30 God Knows I Tried 34 Salvatore 30 The Blackest Day 37
  10. Honeymoon 30 God Knows I Tried 33 Salvatore 30 The Blackest Day 38
  11. Honeymoon 30 God Knows I Tried 32 Salvatore 30 The Blackest Day 39
  12. Honeymoon 30 God Knows I Tried 31 Salvatore 30 The Blackest Day 40
  13. Honeymoon 30 God Knows I Tried 30 Salvatore 30 The Blackest Day 41
  14. Cruel World 28 Ultraviolence 28 Shades of Cool 44 Brooklyn Baby 20 West Coast 27 Pretty When You Cry 46 Old Money 2 Black Beauty 45
  15. Honeymoon 30 God Knows I Tried 29 Salvatore 30 The Blackest Day 42
  16. Off to the Races 18 Blue Jeans 17 Video Games 52 Dark Paradise 13 Carmen 5 Million Dollar Man 45
  17. Honeymoon 30 God Knows I Tried 28 Salvatore 30 The Blackest Day 43
  18. If the next album is the continuation to Lust for Life (more collaborations, rapping and cringy lyrics about world peace that would fit better Mother Teresa), I quit.
  19. Honeymoon 27 God Knows I Tried 30 Salvatore 31 The Blackest Day 43
  20. Honeymoon 27 God Knows I Tried 29 Salvatore 32 The Blackest Day 43
  21. Cruel World 27 Ultraviolence 27 Shades of Cool 44 Brooklyn Baby 20 West Coast 27 PWYC 46 Old Money 3 Black Beauty 47
  22. Off to the Races 18 Blue Jeans 17 Video Games 51 Dark Paradise 13 Carmen 7 Million Dollar Man 44
  23. Honeymoon 27 God Knows I Tried 29 Salvatore 32 The Blackest Day 43
  24. Honeymoon 29 God Knows I Tried 27 Salvatore 32 The Blackest Day 43
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